June 2, 1755

1755 June 2 (Monday).  Lucy and I rode to t’other House and din’d there.  Mr. Eliezer Rice goes to Boston to See his Son Silas at the Camp, and at his Request I wrote a few Lines of Instruction and Caution to the Youth.  I visited at Mr. David Maynard juniors and talk with him about his getting Timber for a Kitchin, which he says he will forward.  N.B. Whilst I was gone last week Mr. Phinehas Hardy brought 3 Posts for my Kitchin.  Mr. Freeland at work here, turning a Coat for Billy.

June 5, 1755

1755 June 5 (Thursday).  Mr. John Rogers and Rody Smith digging Stones.  Billy brought over Rails from  t’other Place, and carry’d out Ashes to the Cook Field, and laid ‘em on the New-broke ground.  Thomas has been drooping for Several Days — today Seems worse.  P.M. went to Mr. Daniel Forbush to the raising of a New House.  Went in to Ensign Millers — who grows weaker with his Paralytic Shaking.

June 9, 1755

1755 June 9 (Monday).  Went over to the Funeral of Captain James Eager,[1] who dy’d last Saturday Morning in the 69th year of his age.  My Company chiefly in going and returning was Captain Baker and his wife.  N.B. My Kinsman Bryant of Stoneham, going to Grafton, call’d here.  I would Seriously reflect upon my own Speedy Departure.  O that God would fasten and ripen the Impressions upon Me!

[1]An early settler of Westborough who had served as selectman.

June 10, 1755

1755 June 10 (Tuesday).  Rody Smith work’d with Billy in hoeing Corn.  Mrs. Prentice and with her one Mrs. Logan, gong to Charlestown, call’d here.  I perceive they are plung’d very deep into Errors; and Yet Seem exceeding Spiritual, heavenly and Purify’d — at least Mrs. Prentice.[1]  ‘Tis Said they are Nicolaitians, and yet Perfectionists.  O the infinite Mischief done by such to the Church of God which they profess to have the most fervent Affection to!  May God grant ‘em a Discovery of the Evil; and may I and all others be preserv’d from their Mischievous Reveries!  My Kinsman Briant call’d here in his Return.

[1]Mrs. Solomon Prentice of Grafton, at other times known as an “immortal.”

June 17, 1755

1755 June 17 (Tuesday).  My Son Ebenezer’s Wife, with her young Child, and my Daughter Lucy rode in my Chair to Brookfield.  Rode to Mr. Martyns and with him to Bolton, to Ministers Meeting — Messrs. Cushing, Seccomb and Morse all that were at Mr. Goss’s besides us.  N.B. Mr. Morse perswaded in his Mind that God will remarkably bring down his Enemies and gave us a Concio to that Purpose.  My Daughter Elizabeth and Lucy rode to Brookfield in my Chair.  Lodg’d at Mr. Goss’s.

June 18, 1755

1755 June 18 (Wednesday).  Mr. Stone and Mr. Mellen[1] came.  I having never preach’d at Bolton, was urg’d to preach the Lecture, Seeing Mr. Barrett[2] who was appointed to do it was absent, and it being a remarkable Juncture of the Forces marching to Providence to take Ship there, and many moving westward, and the Preparations ripening apace for the Expedition against Crown Point, I preach’d on Josh. 7.4.13.  P.M. Mr. Martyn and his Wife were my Company back as far as their House, where, because of the Storm (of Rain) prevailing I Stop’d and lodg’d.

[1]The Reverend John Mellen of Sterling.

[2]The Reverend Samuel Barrett of Hopkinton.

June 22, 1755

1755 June 22 (Sunday).  Read Sam. 10.  Preach’d a.m. on Eccl. 12.13.  P.M. read Isa. 46, and preach’d from number 8.  N.B. made Some use of 2 pages of Sermon on Tit. 2.6, viz. part of page 15, all 16, and part of 17.  Deliver’d also 12 Articles of Religion which I recommended to Young People especially.  N.B. a great number of Bills for Prayer and Thanks — but p.m. I happen’d to forget to take Notice of two of them that were put up then.  They were Lieutenant Bruce’s for his Wife; and Mr. Eliphalet Adams on occasion of the Death of his Mother: Lieutenant Bruce came into my House, and the Storm abroad was great, Thunder, Lightening, and Rain.  Yet the Storm of Brother Bruce’s Passions was more grievous; uttering many bitter and grievous Things; neither could I at all lay his Passionate Heat by anything I could Say.  He went away talking and in a Rage, notwithstanding it was the Sabbath, and the Storm which Should have Struck Terror, into each of our Hearts.  I could not Suffer him to go away in Such a Frame.  I put on my Great Coat, and went to the Meeting House, ready to declare it was not with Design that I omitted the Note, but through forgetfullness — as I went I Spake to him at the Stables to Mollifie him — and entreated him and all others that were there to go into the Meeting House; but neither of them did.  When I got into the Meeting House I was Somewhat out of Breath by my running through the Rain.  There were many more in the Meeting House (probably) than I expected: Yet I then conceiv’d it best for the prevention of further Mischief to declare that it was through my Infirmity and no otherwise that his Case was Neglected: I also mention’d to them the Reason of my coming to Speak of it to them, viz. the violent Anger which he was in, and continued in, though I did all in my Power to Compose and Satisfie him: and that he assur’d me he would never bring me any Papers (to desire Prayers) any more.  When I return’d from the Meeting House, he being Still at the Stables, I Stop’d there again and there labour’d to pacifie him: but all was in Vain.  So that I left him with telling him that I had done and Said enough (and indeed it was too much) I would not trouble my Self any more.  This was a just Chastizement from God upon me, for my own Sloth and Negligence!  the Lord be mercifull to me a Sinner!  Mr. Elizer Rice’s Wife Stop’d here because of the Storm and Supp’d with us.

June 23, 1755

1755 June 23 (Monday).  I made it my Business to Visit Mrs. Bruce.  But went to Mr. Adams’s first, because he was poor.  N.B. I Sent by the widow Beeman to Mr. Eliphalet Adams, that it was only through forgetfullness that his Case was omitted in the Prayer.  I visited the Widow Beaman also.  As to Lieutenant Bruce, he now receiv’d me civily — no word of yesterday; only when I parted while I had him by the Hand I told him I would not have any Difficulty between him and me, and he answer’d Smiling, “with all my Heart.”  At Eve was at Captain Maynards.  Lieutenant Maynard pitches upon Friday for Breaking up for Me.  N.B. My Daughters Elizabeth and Lucy not return’d yet.  Alpheus and Abner Newton a.m. draw off Stones from the Ground behind the Meeting House, with Six oxen.  2 Yoke Abners, and one Yoke Neighbour Zebulun Rice’s.

June 24, 1755

1755 June 24 (Tuesday).  Rode out to the Southward on the Affair of my Breaking up — and went to Mr. Jonah Warrins to See his Daughter Sarah, who yet remains under Disorders: To Deacon Bonds (whose wife lies in) and I din’d there: to Ensign Millers and had Some free discourse with him upon Original Sin, divine Decrees etc.: to Captain Fays who is to lead in my Team next Friday, but he was not at Home.  I find tis wish’d I had not troubled myself So much about Lieutenant Bruce’s Anger last Lords Day.

June 25, 1755

1755 June 25 (Wednesday).  My Wife and I, after Lucy came home with the Chair (N.B. she and Elizabeth came from Brookfield Yesterday) rode to See Lieutenant Bruce’s Wife; and went to Mr. Timothy Warrins Raising of one Barn and removing another.  Did not get home till late.  N.B. Billy, though drooping began to Mow a little.  Thomas has his Fits of Fever and Ague yet.  Dr. Joshua Smith extremely ill.

June 27, 1755

1755 June 27 (Friday).  We broke up about an Acre and half, behind the Meeting House.  Our Team was of 20 Oxen.  Captain Fay with 4.  Lieutenant Brigham with 4.  Deacon Bond 2.  Lieutenant Tainter 2.  Mr. Zebulun Rice 2.  Ensign Miller 2.  Mr. Samuel Hardy 2.  My son Ebenezer 2.  The Men who came were Captain Fay, Lieutenant Brigham, Lieutenant Maynard, Isaac Miller, the Lads were Thomas Bond, Joseph Rice son of Mr. Ebenezer Rice and had Lieutenant Maynards Plough.  Lieutenant Maynard also at his Cost hir’d Mr. John Rogers p.m. to work for me among them.  At Eve Captain Maynard Sent Quarter Veal and Several Pounds of Butter — all this was given freely.

June 29, 1755

1755 June 29 (Sunday).  I read 2 Sam. 11, and preach’d on Eccl. 12.13.  P.M. read Ps. 51.17 before the Fast, fearing least I Shall be absent from here on that Solemnity.  N.B. I read the Same Ps. publickly.  And gave Notice at Eve to the Congregation that it was uncertain whether I Should be at home the ensuing Fast by reason of what I had engag’d before I knew anything of the Fast.  Mrs. Mercy Chamberlin from Stockbridge here and lodges here.

June 30, 1755

1755 June 30 (Monday).  Set out a little before Sun rise on my Journey to Groton; leaving Billy ill of (I Suppose) the Fever and Ague.  Broke fast at Mr. Martyns, and call’d and baited at Mr. Goss’s — din’d at Mr. Seccombs — supp’d and lodg’d at Mr. Trowbridge’s.[1]  It rain’d hard great part of the p.m. and was long detain’d by it — partly at Mr. John Stone’s in Groton — and I stop’d at Captain John Stevens’s (late of Townshend, now in Groton).  N.B. Mr. Lull there before me.  N.B. The New Meeting House in Groton, a Superb Edifice and cost the Town above 13000 [1,300?] £ old Tenor.

[1]The Reverend Caleb Trowbridge of Groton, Mass.