May 30, 1755

1755 May 30 (Friday).  Set myself to hire Money in order to Purchase of the Reverend Mr. Harding of Brookfield for Ebenezer: but in vain.  Visited Colonel Saltonstall at his Brother Cooks — he is exceeding low, and much distress’d.  Pray’d with him and commended him to God.  Visited Mr. Foxcroft — din’d with my Kinsman Winter.  Mr. William Winter and I go to old Mr. Owen Harris to hire money, but the attempt there also was without any success.  Visited Mr. Sutton who Shew’d me a mathematical Bellows.  N.B. at the 3 Horse Shooes enquired after Francis Fogery — or Allagajo — could not find nor hear of Him — but there was Bartholomew — and Captain Lane an Interpreter.  Lodg’d at Miss Dudley’s.