May 29, 1755

1755 May 29 (Thursday).  Convention Lecture by Mr. Joseph Parsons of Bradford, on Mat.  Din’d at Mr. Mathers, where also din’d a great number more, viz. Messrs. Job Cushing, John Gardner, Parsons, Abbot,[1] William Balch,[2] Bradstreet,[3] etc.  P.M. Visit my Kinswoman Langdon[4] lately widow’d, and the Deacon her Father in Law attended the Conversation a little while [but Mr. Lowel desiring me to go to smoak a Pipe with Dr. Chauncy,[5] I comply’d.  N.B. The Conversation chiefly of Mr. Biles[6] and his wife in their violent squabbles.  No word of our own Disgusts.  I think this visit was on the 28th.] At Eve Brother Samuel and I visited Deacon Grant.  Both return’d to his House, and there arose an unexpected Contest between him and me about Clark the Separate who had exhorted in Boston a few Years Since and was lately in Falmouth.  Mr. Charles Frost present and join’d with him, very sanguinely.  I Soon held my Tongue: and let it go off.

[1]The Reverend Hull Abbot of Charlestown.

[2]The minister of Groveland.

[3]Simon Bradstreet, the minister of Marblehead.

[4]Parkman’s niece Mary was the widow of Edward Langdon.

[5]Charles Chauncy of the First Church in Boston.

[6]The Reverend Mather Byles of the Hollis Street Church.  A modern authority says “that Byles’s humor was enough to make a wreck of any woman.”  Sibley, VII, 479.