1755 May 15 (Thursday). This Day 2 o’Clock p.m. was last Lords Day appointed to be the Time for the Catechetical Exercise to Young Women: but the Funeral aforesaid prevented it. I took very effectual Pains to Notifie the Young Women in the several parts of the Parish of it. And my wife and I rode down in the Chair to Marlborough. We stop’d and din’d at Colonel Williams as did Messrs. Cushing and Martyn[1] and their wives. The Bearers at the Funeral were the Reverend Messrs. Loring[2] and Cushing, Gardner,[3] Martyn, Goss[4] and I. Mr. Cushing pray’d, Mr. Loring having a Cold. We return’d safe home at Evening.
[1]The Reverend John Martyn of Northborough.
[2]Israel Loring of Sudbury.
[3]John Gardner of Stow.
[4]Thomas Goss of Bolton.