August 30, 1752

1752 August 30 (Sunday).  Another tolerable Night for sleep, yet remain faint and weak only my appetite is Somewhat better.  I am humbly waiting the will of God.  But it is Another Melancholly, sorrowful Sabbath.  A meeting is held at the Meeting House, but few attend it.  The School-Master, Mr. Jonathan Ward reads a. and p.m.  Dr. Watts on Ps. 42.2.[1]  At Dinner we had Deacon Forbush and old Mr. Bradish.  At Eve Mr. Eliezer Rice desirous of Dr. Scammell (if he Should come here) for his Young Child.  The Nights are Cold and frosty.

[1][Additional Note: “Appearing before God,” Sermon XIII, XIV in Sermons on Various Subjects, Divine and Moral: with a Sacred Hymn Suited to Each Subject (5th ed., 2 vols.; London: Printed for E. Matthews, R. Ford, and R. Hett, 1734), 1:267-322.]