August 27, 1752

1752 August 27 (Thursday).  So that I had a Night of grevious Trouble and Exercise till the Morning.  My Hand somewhat easier in the Day, and I was more comfortable and lively.  But these days are Days of Darkness and sorrow.  Mrs. Molly Brigham (Gershom’s wife) brought some bak’d Bear with Sauce which I could Eat of though I have a more deprav’d appetite and have eaten next to no Meat these Two Days.  Mr. Baxter visits me and pray’d with me.  He tells me Noah Hows has been with him about his Baptism.  Mrs. Hepzibah Maynard visits me.  A.M. Mrs. Rachael Rice and her son Abners Wife here, but no particular Notice was taken of the latter one way nor another.  At Night my Hand still very sore and much swell’d, yet not so as to prevent my sleeping.  But a Blister a little below my Knee has more prevented my walking in the room, thereat almost any Time of late.