August 17, 1752

1752 August 17 (Monday).  But a poorish Night, yet my wife tended me.  Wrote by Deacon Newton[1] to Dr. Scammell[2] [my wife wrote just before Day].  Ebenezer gets in the last of my Island Hay, and the Flax.  The Deacon carrys his Daughter Sarah to the Doctors.  Less pain a.m.  Eat something of Dinner.  N.B. Mr. Pierce of Stow his wife and Mrs. Martyn din’d here.  P.M. I was very full of pain in my right Knee.  N.B. In Deacon Newtons return from Dr. Scammell, I find the Doctor will have it that I have the Gout as well as Rheumatism.  Captain Maynard here at Evening.  Mrs. Lucy Bowker makes a Coat for Alexander gratis — and watches with me.

[1]Josiah Newton.

[2]Samuel Scammell, the physician of Milford.