August 16, 1752

1752 August 16 (Sunday).  A very melancholly Sabbath!  I had an exceeding poor Night.  Feverish, profusely Sweating, and extreme faint.  Yet the Lord upheld me till the Morning, and my pains are much abated.  N.B. Ebenezer is published to Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington.  Lieutenant Tainter watch’d at home.  I was somewhat reviv’d in the Day, But this Day was peculiarly Dark as there was no Preacher.  Dr. Willson was to have come, but he was prevented by several Patients.  There was a Meeting at our Meeting House a.m.  They read Dr. Watts[1] on Job 23.3.4.  But all the Meeting p.m. was at my House, 5 persons besides my own Family — who pray’d and Read and sung.

[1]One of the numerous writings of Isaac Watts.  [Additional note: “Sin and Sorrows Spread before the Lord,” Sermon VI in Sermons on Various Subjects, Divine and Moral: with a Sacred Hymn Suited to Each Subject (5th ed., 2 vols.; London: Printed for E. Matthews, R. Ford, and R. Hett, 1734), 1:113-51.]