1751 January 30 (Wednesday). My wife and I rode to Marlborough — as we went we call’d at Deacon Rice’s[1] and din’d there. Renew’d my Desire to Jeduthan Baldwin to work for me in finishing my New House. We visited Dr. Gott who is in a waste and much confin’d. We went also to see Cousen Sally Brigham at Justice Brighams.[2] I was likewise at Mr. Smiths[3] and Supp’d there with one Mr. Osgood of Andover. N.B. Judge Dudley[4] lies dead. Captain Boardman bury’d this Day. We lodg’d at Dr. Gotts.
[1]Caleb Rice of Marlborough.
[2]Charles Brigham, a justice of the peace.
[3]The Reverend Aaron Smith of Marlborough.
[4]Justice Paul Dudley of the Superior Court of Judicature died Jan. 21, 1751.