August 1, 1750

1750 August 1 (Wednesday).  We have Still so much to do at the Meadow that Joseph Bruce, though his Time agreed to be out, yet at Ebenezers Desire, I detain to work for me.  Mr. Abner Newton was buryed.  A large Funeral.  He dy’d in the middst of his Days, being in his 42nd Year.  I hope he dy’d in Christ, and in him I have lost a very valuable and generous Friend.  The Lord Sanctify it to Me and to the Neighbourhood, who Seem sensibly to feel the Loss.  Mrs. Newton requested that my Wife and I would return to her House after burying which we did and Supped with the Mourners, Bearers and the other Friends.

August 2, 1750

1750 August 2 (Thursday).  Bruce helps us: also Mr. John Rogers with his Team helping us get home Hay from the Meadow.  But by means of the late great Rains the Meadow was So soft that they were mir’d and much worried; they made but Two turns in the whole Day.  That is, they brought home in all to Day by both Teams 4 Load.  I rode over to See Mr. Woods and Oake, and talk with them about my Bricks for my intended House.  They excuse themselves and plead themselves wholly off; So that I give the Affair up with them.  I din’d at Mr. Martyns.  He tells me Ensign Bartlet spake with a Post who last Night went down the Road for Boston, and gives an Account that a Number of Indians are designing to fall upon our Frontiers.  Rains, thunders and Lightens before I came yet home; but soon increases to a terrible storm.  A very sad, catching Time for Haying.  But the Earth brings forth in Great Plenty.

August 5, 1750

1750 August 5 (Sunday).  Read Exod. 32.  Preached a. and p.m. on Exod. 20.8.  The Beginning of the Sabbath my wife and I rode up to Esq. Bakers and din’d there.  It was Showery as it is almost every Day.  I have heard that divers persons were So Tenacious heretofore of their opinion that the Sabbath begins in the Morning, that they were very impatient at but the Expectation, Shall I Should mention the Contrary.  But I leave it unto God.  P.M. read John 8 latter part.

August 8, 1750

1750 August 8 (Wednesday).  Rode to Mr. Cornelius Biglo to induce him to undertake to provide stones for my Chimney but I try in Vain.  Ebenezer worked for Neighbour John Rogers a.m. and Rogers for him with his Team p.m.  They brought home the Two last Loads of Hay from the Ministerial Meadow.  N.B. Molly to Mr. Martyn alone.

August 12, 1750

1750 August 12 (Sunday).  Another very hot Day: but some Showers, with Thunder at Evening.  A.M. read Exod. 33 of which I gave Some brief Expository Hints and preach’d on Exod. 20.8.9.  The Sanctification of the sabbath in which Exercise I was somewhat long, but it was not sufficient to divide — and yet it had taken up my Time very much, to prepare this one Exercise, as I had many authors to consult upon it.  Mr. Haven (by express Invitation) din’d with me at the Esquire’s.  P.M. read John 9 and briefly expounded.  And considering what a Day of Temptation it has been, and remains with a Member of our Church before mention’d, I repeated my Expositions on Mat. number 11.31.32, both the Exercises in one.  For though the Exercise was longer and more worrying to me, yet it gave the more complete View of the Subject.  But what will avail without the divine Concurrence?  May God therefore add His Blessing.  N.B. I gave the Congregation Notice of the Association Fast to be (God willing) next Tuesday at Marlborough.

August 14, 1750

1750 August 14 (Tuesday).  Association Fast at Marlborough (and I suppose at Rutland at the same Time).  A pritty Hot Day, but Rain at Night.  The Exercises were carry’d on thus, Mr. Smith pray’d (but I was so unhappy by several accidents on the Road as to miss of it, and arriv’d in singing Time, at meeting), Mr. Goss[1] preach’d from Mat. 11.23.  P.M. Mr. Gardner[2] pray’d — and Mr. Loring[3] preach’d on Hos. 9.14, last Clause.  May the Lord accept the Offerings and Bless His Holy Word to our, and his peoples highest Good.  Advis’d with the Association about Robert Cooks Case.  Mr. Martyn my Company part of the Way in returning Home; but after he left me, Rainy and Dark, but not too late for my Family.

[1]The Reverend Thomas Goss of Bolton.

[2]The Reverend John Gardner of Stow.

[3]The Reverend Israel Loring of Sudbury.

August 15, 1750

1750 August 15 (Wednesday).  Rode to Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s and Lieutenant Tainters to forward the getting Timber for my House together — din’d at Lieutenants.  Sent by him to Boston for divers Things — but next to No Money to be had any where.  Mr. Bowman carrys the Two Plaits to the place.  Was with Mr. Jonathan Forbush at his mill looking over the stuff — viz. Board and slitwork.  At Eve when I return’d I understood that Mr. Martyn and his Spouse had been here — whereas I did not expect ‘em till Friday.  Jeduthun Baldwin here to acquaint me with his Circumstances and when he can come to work for me.  He lodg’d here.

August 16, 1750

1750 August 16 (Thursday).  I rode out again about stuff — went to Hopkinton to Mr. Joseph Woods mill, and to Deacon Burnaps — din’d at the Deacons.  Was at Kellys and Pierce’s.  Ebenezer Carted Boards from Mr. Forbush’s Mill.  600 of Oake Boards of what I have of Mr. Forbush and 220 which I have of Mr. Daniel Miller and [blank] which I have of Mr. Samuel Harrington.  I was at Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s as I return’d home, to get stuff for window Frames.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Forbush brought a long, oake Cill.

August 17, 1750

1750 August 17 (Friday).  Rode to Mr. Timothy Warrins to try for white Pine Boards — was at Mr. Beamans, whose wife is still confin’d by her broken Legg.  Mr. Jonathan Forbush here and we reckon’d — what I had of him of Boards and slittwork comes to 9£ old Tenor.  He desir’d and I gave him a note for 4£ and he gave me the other 5£ which was his Proportion according to the Rates (he says) towards what he thinks the precinct ought to do more than the have done towards my Building etc.

August 21, 1750

1750 August 21 (Tuesday).  Measur’d out the House plot, in order to having the Cellar dugg.  N.B. this was done by the motion of Samuel Bumpso.  P.M. at the Funeral of Neighbour Benjamin Hows Child.[1]  At Eve came Mr. Edwards of Northampton, together with Revd. Mr. Tuthil of Bedford[2] in the upper County, and Mrs. Martha Edwards, sister of Mr. Edwards of Northampton and they lodg’d here.  N.B. Mrs. Edwards extremely lame.

[1]Elizabeth How died Aug. 19, 1750.

[2]Moses Tuttle (Yale 1745) was the minister of Granville, Mass. (then called the plantation of Bedford), 1747-1754.  Dexter, Biographical Sketches, II, 66-69.

August 22, 1750

1750 August 22 (Wednesday).  It rain’d most of the Day.  Yet the Company chose to proceed on their Journey.  Mrs. Edwards left her Horse, and I supply’d her with my Mare.  Ebenezer went with Mrs. Edwards lame Beast to Mr. Barns’s for his Advice and Counsel, as last Night Mr. Tuthil went to Captain Maynards for his.  P.M. I preach’d the Lecture on Isa. 1.18.  I was peculiarly fervent; and could not but be so — do earnestly beg it may be bless’d to my own Soul, and to all the Audience; especialy to Mrs. Hitty Rice who was at meeting.  At Night Mrs. Edwards Mare (as it ought to have been writ before) is so bad that we fear whether she will live till morning.

August 23, 1750

1750 August 23 (Thursday).  Lieutenant Tainter came over, at my Request, to see Mrs. Edwards’s Mare.  Mr. Pratt came likewise to see her: I sent also for Captain Maynard who came, and tis concluded that She is hipp’d.  Mr. Martyn having gone to Boston and left the Care of his Lecture with me I rode over — din’d there, and preach’d his Lecture on Isa. 1.18.  Nigh Sunsett Mr. Martyn came home.  As I return’d I visited the Two widows Tomlin.

August 26, 1750

1750 August 26 (Sunday).  Read Exod. 35.  Preach’d on Eph. 1.3.  Administer’d the Lords Supper.  Mr. Haven and I din’d at the Justice’s, my Kinsman and wife went home.  Molly din’d at Deacon Newtons.  P.M. read John 11 to number 30 and I preach’d on 1 Pet. 4.6, but us’d the Discourse on Eph. 5.14 from page 11 to 27.  N.B. at Eve my Kinsmans Spiritual Conversation which may God be pleas’d to Bless, as well as what has Perform’d in the Day!  N.B. Mrs. Edwards mare put into Captain Mainards Pasture.

August 27, 1750

1750 August 27 (Monday).  I early rode up to Mr. Obadiah Newton[1] and engag’d him to build my Chimney.  Had Neighbour Eliezer Rice’s Mare, my Horse needing to be shod.  Was at Sherman’s[2] Saw-Mill for Stuff: at Mr. Hardys in Grafton.  I din’d at Mr. Hutchinsons.[3]  He and his wife came with me as far as Major Willards[4] in my returning home.  Ebenezer had got out 4 Barrells of Cyder — and boyl’d Three of them.

[1]Of Westborough.

[2]Ephraim Sherman of Grafton.

[3]The Reverend Aaron Hutchinson of Grafton.

[4]Joseph Willard, an early settler and official of Grafton, was a major of a Worcester regiment.  Pierce, Grafton, p. 604.

August 28, 1750

1750 August 28 (Tuesday).  Rode to Mr. Gales[1] in order to his coming to view my Timber and he went accordingly towards Night, and Saw that it was so chiefly there that he agrees to begin the framing next Thursday.  P.M. Mr. Martyn and his Daughter here.  He goes over with me to See what I am about to do in preparing to build.  My son Ebenezer very much laid by, with pain in his Back by Reason of a Strain in lifting the Beam at the Cyder Mill last week, and now getting Cold.

[1]Abijah Gale of Westborough lived on the road to Southborough.

August 29, 1750

1750 August 29 (Wednesday).  Samuel Bumpso with me at the place of the design’d Cellar, and after Squaring and Setting out, he began to digg.  I rode to Mr. James Bradish’s and din’d there, but he was not at home.  Rode over to Elijah Warrins to Speak with Bradish, where I found him, and he engages to come to my work.  N.B. One son of Mr. Samuel, another of Mr. Phinehas Hardy came to the digging before noon.  I provided a Dinner for Samuel Bumpso at Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s, but not knowing of the Two Hardys coming, did not provide for them.  P.M. came Charles and Abner Rice and Phinehas Maynard from Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s.  At Eve Solomon Baker and Samuel Bumpso with a Number more came and dugg — Mrs. Rice (Ebenezers wife) encouraging their coming and treating ‘em for it.

August 30, 1750

1750 August 30 (Thursday).  Messrs. Gale and Bradish began to Frame my House.  Samuel Bumpso and Martyn Pratt dugg at the Cellar.  N.B. Early in the Morning I went to Noah How and Elijah Rice and got them to go into the Ministerial Lot and hew’d one Post.  Noah had my Team to carry it over, but could not perswade him to do any more work to Day, though we wanted Hands very much.  I catechiz’d at the Meeting House.  At Eve Visit Mr. Lewis Brigham’s sick Child.  Mr. Edwards return’d from Boston, accompany’d by Mr. Tuttle and Mrs. Martha Edwards.