December 6, 1749

1749 December 6 (Wednesday).  Mr. Robert Cooks wife here again.  I acquaint her with the Difficultys in the way of proceeding to propound her.  Ephraim Whitney and Thankful Harrington marry’d a.m.  Neighbour Hezekiah How and Neighbour Daniel Warrin assist my son in killing 3 Swine, one weighing above nine, another above 7, another almost 4 Score.  Foreseeing I must give some of my Corn to my Cattle and Horses by reason of the shortness of Hay, I chose to kill my Pork early though it be small — have laid up the more Beef.  N.B. Mr. Phinehas Hardy has brought 1/2 an Hundred and 8 pound of Iron from Sutton for me, and Mr. Samuel Williams borrows part of it of me.  At Eve Mr. Billings, Mr. Bezaleel Eager, Captain Forbush and Lieutenant Thomas Forbush here.  The last of them came to know whether I desir’d the Committee of the Precinct would call a precinct meeting to Consider of my Remove nigher the Meeting House, and would send them any Writing on that Hand.  I told them I chose they Should themselves consult and advise what would be best to be done.