1748 September 8 (Thursday). Mr. Davis of Holden being by providence among us, pray’d in the morning. The Weight of forming the Result was thrown upon Me. I retir’d and (with some assistance in one sentence from Mr. Hall, and in the Exhortation from Mr. Martyn) I drew it up. It was voted unanimously. Mr. Loring preach’d a Lecture on Mat. 5.4, and after Lecture I publish’d the Result to the Congregation. The Church stop’d and voted their acceptance of the Result about 4 or 6 Dissenting. But Deacon Merriam voted. After dining we Dissolv’d and Return’d home. At home found my wife and daughter Lucy from Cambridge together with Brother and Sister Hicks[1] who came from thence with them and they lodg’d here.
[1]Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks of Sutton.