August 17, 1747

1747 August 17 (Monday).  In the morning went to Deacon Newtons about the Lime and paid for 2 Bushels.  Deacon Kimball of Hopkinton came to whitewash and spot my Kitchin, and Lath and plaister my new Study.  Mr. Martyn and his Brother Marritt[1] of Cambridge here.  P.M. My wife and I went to Esquire Bakers to raising of west end of his house, and before 5 was at the Meeting House, few members being come — but presently more — between Twenty and Thirty at Length.  Brother James Fay present.  His Affair was laid before the Church, and his Desire of his own and his wife’s Dismission to the Church at Hardwick.  After some Debate he acknowledg’d himself to blame for his going to the separate meeting at Grafton.  His Acknowledgment was writ by me, and Sign’d by him — upon which he was restor’d and his request granted.  At Eve Brother Daniel Forbush and Brother James Bradish junior here, complaining that Deacon Newton (from what he said in Church Meeting) had not done his Duty to Brother James Fay, in private dealings with him, when Fay first told him of his going to the separate meeting.  They hinted also that John Rogers Should be dealt with for neglecting to make his peace with the Church.

[1]The Reverend Mr. Martyn had married Mary Marrett of Cambridge.