August 16, 1747

1747 August 16 (Sunday).  Sacrament. I preach’d on [blank].  P.M. from Gen. 2.17.  Repeated sermon on Heb. 9.27.  N.B. Brother James Fay, now of Hardwick, attempting to tarry at Communion.  Deacon Newton withdrew. Divers other Brethren Shew’d their dissatisfaction likewise — viz. Brother Tainter, Brother Miller, Brother Daniel Warrin — upon which I desir’d Mr. James Fay to withdraw, which upon his doing I sent for Deacon Newton, and he return’d to his Duty and Office accordingly.  N.B. Brother James Fay din’d with me. P.M. I appointed a Church Meeting upon his affair to be tomorrow 4 o’Clock p.m. and Catechizing at the Meeting House next Friday.