May 28, 1747

1747 May 28 (Thursday).  Mr. Prescott[1] preach’d to the ministers on Rom. 3.28, an Extremely long sermon.  The Contribution 304.19.0.  I din’d at Mr. Foxcrofts.[2]  N.B. the late renowned Mr. Pembertons Relect, now Loyd,[3] and her Daughter Mrs. Vanns[4] din’d here.  At Eve to Cambridge.

[1]Benjamin Prescott of Peabody.

[2]The Reverend Thomas Foxcroft of the First Church of Boston.

[3]The widow of tutor Ebenezer Pemberton (d. 1718) married John Campbell and then Henry Lloyd of Long Island.

[4]Mary, the daughter of Ebenezer and Mary Pemberton, married Hugh Vans.