May 18, 1747

1747 May 18 (Monday).  I rode to Grafton to Speak with Mr. Joseph Batchellor — met with him at Mr. Winchesters.  Rode with him up to Mr. Prentice’s.  Spent a great part of the afternoon with Mr. Prentice and his wife.  She declar’d herself a Separate.  I endeavour’d to discharge my Duty to her, to convince her of her Error; (especially Knowledge of the Spiritual Status of Persons, looking on the Church in Grafton no Church of Christ.  Her irregular Separation, She having never laid anything before that Church or Christian society esteeming themselves a Church of Christ, for their Conviction).  I endeavour’d also to warn her against Defect in Relative Dutys in the House; and giving occasion to others to suspect criminal Freedoms with the other sex, under the splendid Guise of Spiritual Love and Friendship.  I bore my Testimony against Visions and Revelations — and with Mr. Prentice, as to his appointing the Communion to be next Lords Day, whilst there is so great Confusion among them by the Vote of only of 8 or 9 members, the Body of the Church were against it, I told him it would not do; there could be no Validity nor propriety in it.  Parted very brotherly.  A great storm seem’d to be rising.  I got to Mr. Winchesters before it pour’d down.  N.B. Mr. Brooks,[1] Mrs. Willard and a number of them there, going to Market to Boston.  After the shower I went to Phinehas Hardy and thence home.  N.B. Town Meeting at Westborough, chose Mr. Francis Whipple again their Representative.

[1]Ebenezer Brooks of Grafton.