August 31, 1746

1746 August 31 (Sunday).  Could not prepare my Discourse design’d for to day, by means of my many Hindrances all the Week long.  Preach’d on Rev. 6.8 a.m. without any material Alteration except a few Passages omitted, respecting the Distemper.  P.M. On Eph. 5.6. A great deal of the Beginning without more writing than a few broken Hints; the body of the sermon was from Page 19 to 28 of sermon on Eph. 2.3, latter part.  O that God might sett home on the Hearts of all, especially on Children those fervence Exercises! Mr. Jenison din’d with me. At noon the Church was Stopp’d to lay before them the Consideration of a Day of Fasting and Prayer in this gloomy Time.  They freely and readily came into it and seem’d glad of it. A Vote pass’d and Thursday next (by Divine Leave) appointed herefor. After sermon p.m. I recommended the Same to the Congregation and published the Church’s Vote and Purpose. And O that God would please to prepare all our Hearts thereunto!  At Eve I attended upon the Funeral of Neighbour John Rogers’s Daughter Betty. Rainy Evening. N.B. Ebenezer Maynard went to Dr. Gott for his wife and brought physick for Molly which she took.