August 29, 1746

1746 August 29 (Friday).  A very Wet stormy Day again. This Day was appoint’d for a Fast at the Widow Rice’s at Hopkinton on account of her youngest son, Samuel Whood, who has a grievous sore in the lower part of his Back, has lain long and is thought to be consuming away.  Mr. Barrett has sent also to Mr. Stone to assist him with me. I walk’d to Mr. Williams’s afternoon. He had offer’d me his Horse to go to the Fast. I rode over. Mr. Stone in his last prayer of the former Exercise. Mr. Barrett was not return’d from Boston.  I carry’d on the Latter Exercise: preach’d on Isa. 38.2.3. The poor young man very grievously afflicted, and in a Dangerous Condition. The Lord accept our Offering! I return’d at Eve to my Family.