November 9, 1744

1744 November 9 (Friday).  N.B. My Young Cattle, viz. Three young Heiffers, which Lieutenant Tainter drove up to Cold Spring for summering, in the forepart of the Year, were all missing when the Drovers came in.  But Lieutenant undertook a Journey after them on the sixth instant, and this Evening brought in Two of them, the Third as tis judg’d dy’d in the Woods Some time agoe; the Carcase was found but was greatly corrupted etc.  Lieutenant has been out 27 Shilling, and there remained 10 shilling for the Herdsman; in all the Charge amounted to 37 shilling.  N.B. Thomas Winchester and Ebenezer Maynard kill’d two Shotes for me — the Weight about 100 apiece — the Markit so low we salted them up.