November 3, 1744

1744 November 3 (Saturday).  Captain Trowbridge left us.  Benjamin Forbush[1] plough’d Stubble.  Mr. Jonathan Forbush’s Daughter[2] of about 3 Years old, bury’d a.m.  I return’d in Haste to my House to meet with Mr. Peabody who was coming from Worcester.  He was entering my House with his Delegates at the juncture that I return’d.  They din’d with me.  Mr. Peabody tells me he has receiv’d another Letter from the Brethren at Upton that beseeches him to put by the Council, and he has accordingly gratify’d them.  I sent by Mr. Peabody a Line to Mr. Stone to change tomorrow, which he comply’d with and came up at Evening.  I also rode to his House the Same Evening.

[1]Son of Aaron Forbush of Westborough.

[2]Joanna Forbush died Nov. 1, 1744.