October 30, 1744

1744 October 30 (Tuesday).  A.M. Mr. Weld left us.  P.M. came Mr. Peabody,[1] accompany’d by Deacon Felch[2] and Chickery, on their Journey to Worcester Council.  O what Cause of Grief and Mourning that God has permitted So many unhappy Divisions and Contentions to arise among us!  May God Sanctifie these Evils and hasten them to an End!  New Perplexitys also arise respecting the Affairs of Upton.  The Moderator at the Request of Sundry of the Upton Brethren has issued out Letters for the Council to meet the first Tuesday of November, but it falls out to be the week of West-Leicester Ordination at which Mr. Hall, Prentice and Goddard[3] are to officiate.  So that it was concluded by the people at Upton that there must be another appointment which the Moderator refuses to make, but abides by his old Appointment, and requests me to Certifie Mr. Weld that he does; nor can attend at any other Time, unless it be adjourn’d to Spring.  My Catechetical Exercise with young women could not be attended till it was too late for the Sermon, but the other parts of it were accomplished.

[1]Rev. Oliver Peabody of Natick.

[2]Ebenezer Felch of Natick.

[3]Rev. David Goddard of Leicester.