October 4, 1744

1744 October 4 (Thursday).  I rode to Worcester and din’d with Mr. Burr, where also din’d Captain Flagg.  Mr. Burr asked Me to Change with him next Sabbath, but I freely told him it would Stir up great uneasiness among my people.  He ask’d me to Preach the Execution sermon but I was oblig’d to deny him because of my design’d Journey to Boston.  I visited the Prisoner, found him in a bad frame — dwelling upon his deplorable Condition but taking no Care to help himself, nor suitably betaking himself to God for Help.  Unforgiving, Sour, very Sparing of Speech — not Confessing his Sin — refusing to say anything about it, but that We might think as we would — reflecting on his Trial.  But I most solemnly Call’d him to Repentence and Confession, reprov’d, Charg’d him, pray’d with him and left him.  Justice Brigham my Company to Grafton and to Westborough.  Thomas at his Fathers.