August 20, 1742

1742 August 20 (Friday).  My Mother in Darkness — weak and distressed [Still?] but yet humbly declaring her Integrity and Truth, though in every Thing imperfect, and coming short and Condemning her Self bitterly.  A Letter from my wife that Billy is very ill, and nothing does him any good.  Dined at Brother P________n’s and lodged there.  I went into the Cold Bath at Mr. Jonathan Welch’s.  Sent a Medicine to Billy by Mr. James Fay.  N.B. Mr. Davenport condemned by name 9 more of the Ministers.  Grand Jury I hear have sat and have found a Bill against him as a Disturber of the peace.  I visited Madam Condy to prepare the way for Mollys going to Her School.  Visited Mr. Gray[1] and Mr. Cooper.  Spent the Evening with my Mother.  Frost to Night.

[1]Ellis Gray (1715-1753), Harvard 1734, minister of Boston’s New Brick Church, 1738-1753; SHG, 9:400-04.