April 14, 1740

1740 April 14 (Monday).  We rode down to the Funeral of Sister Gott.  There were Mr. Loring, Mr. Barrett,[1] Mr. Brintnall,[2] Mr. Smith, etc.  O that God would make us to know our End, etc.,[3] and O that we might hear Christ Saying to us Be ye Ready also, for In Such an Hour as ye Think not, the son of man cometh![4]  Brother Hicks and his son plough’d for me.

[1]Rev. Samuel Barrett of Hopkinton.

[2]Rev. William Brintnal of Sudbury.

[3]Psalm 39.4: “LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.”

[4]Matthew 24.44.