April 3, 1740

1740 April 3 (Thursday).  Suse Rogers[1] departed this Life about one o’Clock in the Morning.  Much perplex’d in the morning about our spring work, the Care of it crowding upon me at a very uncomfortable Rate.  After having been other where with no success, as I walk’d to Neighbor Hezekiah Pratts (who I sought to come with his Oxen and draw off the Stones from Ground which we wanted to break up for Planting) I had many musings touching the Conduct of God’s Providence in the world, especially where even his own work was more immediately at stake — but I was enabled to refer and rest matters with God.  Mr. Pratt came — after him Mr. Daniel Forbush[2] with Two Yoke of Cattle, and they drew off the stones.  This they did a.m.  David Baverick also came and rigg’d up the Fences; So that my Business was like to get along — for which I thank God that so I might attend to his service without so much distraction.  Mr. Samuel Crosby[3] inform’d me that Mr. Cushing had just lost Two Children, Mary and John, who dy’d the Day before yesterday of the Throat Distemper, and another was at the point of Death.  I rode over to the North side of the town, to Mr. Caruths, to Mr. Haywards[4] and Bakers[5] — to Mr. Livermores,[6] Balls and Wheelers.[7]  N.B. John Badcocks Conduct towards me as he accompany’d me part of the way back from Mr. Wheelers.  Mr. David Forbush plough’d stubble p.m.  A Letter from Mr. Cushing came while I was abroad.

[1]Wife of Parkman’s neighbor, John Rogers.

[2]Son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.

[3]Of Shrewsbury.  One of the founders of the church there.  Ward, Shrewsbury, 255.

[4]Simeon Hayward.

[5]Edward Baker.

[6]Jonathan Livermore.

[7]Joseph Wheeler.