1740 April 1 (Tuesday). In the forenoon I was variously taken up. Early I was at Mr. Hezekiah Hows[1] for Oxen and obtain’d them for the first part of the Day. Sam and David work’d. A.M. Sledded Stones till by the Infirmity of the Oxen and a Storm of Snow they were oblig’d to knock off. I visited Suse Rogers who lay in a very low Condition. N.B. her Testimony of the Hope she had in her Death, a very Remarkable Declaration of her Custom and Manner of Life, when She was but young, whilst she liv’d at Mr. Storers and whilst she liv’d at my House, withdrawing her Affections from the world, giving her Self to a Life with God and earnestly begging ever[y] Night and every Day an Interest in Christ, especially improving Sabbath mornings and Evenings for Retiring to Spend some Time with God and to begg this of him. This She said was her continual practice especially whilst she dwelt at my House. As to dying She hop’d she was ready, and was willing because she hop’d she had not sought God in vain (for He is a Mercifull God) (or to such purpose); but if [it] should be his will that She should live and recover, that She might serve and glorify him still in the world She was desiring of it (but left the Matter quietly with God). But O what would become of her if she should live, and Should nevertheless forget these purposes of Serving God. O wo unto her, wo unto her if she should! As to her dear Infant She had given it to God before it was born; She gave it up to him when it was born and I give it up to him now, Said She, and Should be glad to do it in (his holy) (the Ordinance of) Baptism. Thus she continued her speech, though but a whisper, through her great weakness, for some length of Time, telling me She thought she should not live over another Night. The appearance of the Grace of God in her occasioned our Thanksgiving to God for her. Dr. Gott was at my House in the mean Time to see my wife, who he judg’d had the Canker in her throat. In the Afternoon the storm of Snow prevail’d greatly; and in the middst of it Mrs. Edwards[2] of Northampton, sister to Mrs. Pierpont[3] of New Haven came to see us, a young man from her Nei[gh]bourhood accompanying her. They had neither of ‘em had the Meazles, and were much afraid: but I kept ‘em in a Separate Chamber as safely as I could that they might be wholly easy.
[1]Parkman’s neighbor and friend.
[2]Wife of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D.D.
[3]Widow of the Rev. James Pierpont.