1740 February 13 (Wednesday). I rode to Marlborough, the Doctor[1] having Sent for me to visit them, Sister and all the Child being sick, but his little son John of about 9 months old much the worst and lying at the point of Death. Din’d at Colonel Woods[2] with Mr. Aaron Smith.[3] At their earnest request I went to the Funeral of Two of Mr. Joseph Tainters[4] Children — 4 others of his Children being at the Same Time sick, and one or more of them in a Dangerous state and all of the Throat Distemper. At their Instant Desire I pray’d upon this sorrowful Occasion. Return’d to Brother Gotts. The Rain prevail’d so as to forbid my going Home, besides their Importunity on the Account of the Child which was nigh Expiring. It dy’d about 8 of the Clock in the Eve, the Doctor being exceedingly distressed and impatient. I lodged there with the Doctor.
[1]Dr. Benjamin Gott, Parkman’s brother-in-law.
[2]Benjamin Woods, the merchant of Marlborough.
[3](HC 1735). Ordained June 11, 1740, in Marlborough. SHG, 9:575-578.
[4]The deacon of Marlborough.