August 21, 1739

1739 August 21 (Tuesday).  Finding myself Still better I undertook my Journey.  Stopp’d a while at Mr. Amsdens,[1] at Mr. David Hows,[2] at Mr. Cooks,[3] at Dr. Robys,[4] at Woolsons[5] from where I had Captain Samuel Chandler’s[6] (of Woodstock) Company — and at Mr. Benjamins at Waterton.  Arriv’d at Father Champneys after Dark.

[1]Capt. Isaac Amsden of Marlborough.

[2]Proprietor of the Wayside Inn in Sudbury.

[3]Rev. Samuel Cooke of Wayland.

[4]Ebenezer Roby, physician of Sudbury.

[5]In Watertown.

[6]Son of Col. John Chandler, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions.  Woodstock was originally in Massachusetts but after 1749 in Connecticut.  Clarence W. Bowen, Woodstock: An Historical Sketch (N.Y., 1886), 33-35; George Chandler, The Chandler Family (Worcester, 1883), 130-31.