May 25, 1738

1738 May 25 (Thursday).  Lecture.  Repeated Sermon on John 20.28.  Church was Stopp’d to receive the answers of the Brethren who were chosen Deacons.[1]  They each of them answer’d in the Negative.  There was much debating whether we Should accept Such Reasons as they Supported their Denyal with except what Brother Forbush offer’d concerning his Bodily Infirmities which considering the End and Design of our Choosing Deacons was esteemed of avail by all that Spoke.  There were so many differing Sentiments that I was oblig’d to offer to them to Dissolve all that had been done hitherto upon the Business and adjourn to this Day fortnight.  N.B. Mr. Livermore put down the New Box, which I had of Mr. Reed of Boston, into the Pump, on the long Spire that it might work in the lower Part of the pump.

[1]Thomas Forbush, Jr., and Seth Rice had been elected April 19, 1738.