1738 January 4 (Wednesday). Captain Eager called me in the morning to go over to Upton to the Ordination of Mr. Thomas Weld.[1] Mr. Tainter also went over with us. The Churches sent to were, the Church in Mendon, Brookline, Hopkinton, Attlebury, Uxbridge and Grafton; Mr. Barrett prayed before Sermon, Mr. Allen[2] preach’d on Isa. 6.8. Mr. Dorr[3] gave the Charge; Mr. Weld of Attlebury the right Hand. Entertainment was plentifull at Ensign Woods. N.B. Deacon Millins[4] of Hopkinton Disputes for Ruling Elders, in opposition to the Doctrine deliver’d to Day. A very fine, bright, moderate Day. Return’d at Evening.
[1](Harvard 1723). Sibley, VII, 273-279.
[2]Probably James Allin (Harvard 1710), the first minister of Brookline. Sibley, V, 506-510.
[3]Reverend Joseph Dorr of Mendon.
[4]Henry Mellen.