April 22, 1736

1736 April 22 (Thursday).  Sent for to Mr. Ithamar Bellows’s wife.[1]  She was very Low; had lately lain in,[2] and had a great Degree of Fever: very self Judging; but not without Earnest Longing after the Divine Favour.  I was at Capt. Warrins little Moses lyes in a Languishing Condition yet.  John Rogers[3] helped David to Day in Carting Muck.  Our own Cattle and Horse; Ensign Maynards Cart.  I Catechized on North side.  N.B. Neighbour Josiah Rice cut his Leg and bled in so great Degree that they were in very great Fears what would be the Event.

[1]Mary, wife of Ithamar Bellows.

[2]Seth, son of Ithemore and Mary Bellows, b. Apr. 15, 1736; d. May 18, 1736 (WVR, 18, 229)

[3]John Rogers, son of William and Mercy Rogers.