November 1, 1726

1726 November 1 (Tuesday).  In my Seclusion from most of those Objects which Engage the Busy and active part of the world I find not daily such a number Observations to be made upon what is roundabout me where I am not plac’d in the midst of the Crowds, Employments and accidents that must be always before hand with the mind; we cannot have so many rare accounts as in those places of Concourse and action, that we are in Retirement chiefly taken up about our Domestick affairs, and personal concerns.  And it is very rare that we can have any matter of very great importance or weight to interest the world in, when under Confinement to so narrow a Sphere of motion.  Here Likewise it might be added that much of the time revolving is consumed in much the Same manner, the Same Business or Amusements; and other parts of it may be Equally divided by so great a number of Engagements that it may be hard to say which took us up most, and it would be too great a Labour to insert all.  Indeed sometimes there is a close Relation and Dependence one upon another, and then the giving one may give us all, an hint being Sufficient to bring the whole circle of actions or accidents into our minds and view again.  And it is not alwayes an action that may be accounted of itself of the greatest importance, that is of the greatest moment and Necessity to be mention’d as an hint of the Rest that was done.  For that which is but a Trifle above, may best Serve to direct us to the whole Series.  The First 4 or 5 Dayes of this Month I do not remember anything worthy my Observation in this place.  Except that on the 4 I rode out in the afternoon, a thing I hitherto have never done before.

November 14, 1726

1726 November 14 (Monday).  I rode to Marlborough.  I met Mr. Cushing a little before we Came to Mr. Brecks.  We were Disappointed in our Visit to Mr. Breck, He being gone to Boston.  We went to Mr. Woods’,[1] and to Mr. Thomas’s,[2] the last having been very ill, and continuing under Confinement.  Mr. Cushing went away for Lancaster when I went into Colonel Hows[3] to clear off my Beef Score, and thence I returned immediately home.

[1]Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.

[2]William Thomas of Marlborough.

[3]Thomas Howe of Marlborough.

November 17, 1726

1726 November 17 (Thursday).  In the Morning I rode to Shrewsbury to Mr. Cushing.  There was Captain Baker of Brookfield.  Mr. Cushing rode with me to Lancaster.  Mr. Prentice was come out to go to Meeting.  He had Some Expectation of my Coming.  He gave me his Bible and I preach on (a Text I had not Design’d to, but I was straitned for Time and Could not Look over the whole of any Sermon and I therefore chose one I had frequently and somewhat lately preach’d) Acts 16.24.  We tarried all night at Mr. Prentice’s, and had good Entertainment.

November 24, 25, 26, 1726

1726 November 24, 25, 26 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday).  I was very much afflicted with Toothach and an ague in My Face.  Alas how Small a Matter will discompose and Obstruct those, who in the best plight have but just Sufficient powers to perform any Service at all!  N.B. 24.  I married Ebenezer Savage[1] and Mary Hamilton of Rutland, Mr. Parsons,[2] Mr. Burr,[3] and Mr. Cushing being absent.

[1]Given in Westborough Vital Records as Ebenezer Savige and Mary Hambleton, and in Rutland Vital Records as Ebenezer Savage and Mary Hambleton.

[2]Reverend David Parsons (Yale 1705), minister of the First Congregational Church of Leicester, Mass.  Dexter, pp. 36-37.

[3]Reverend Isaac Burr of Worcester.

November 27, 1726

1726 November 27 (Sunday).  I was grievously exercis’d all last night with pains in my Face.  In the morning I was easier and went to Meeting.  The Text a. and p.m. was Eph. 2.5.  We were Inform’d that Mr. Breck Yesterday buried his Youngest Child.[1]  It dy’d very Suddenly.  Mrs. Willard,[2] Mrs. Maynard, Mr. Behman[3] and his wife Din’d with us.

[1]Anna Breck (b. March 13, 1725).

[2]Probably Mrs. Martha Willard of Hassinimisco.

[3]Probably Eleazer and Hannah Beemon or Beamon of Westborough.

November 30, 1726

1726 November 30 (Wednesday).  Mr. Cushing return’d home.  Mr. Thomas Forbes, Junior was with me upon the Business of his Admission into our Church.  He made some Hesitation about Making a Relation, But I satisfy’d him of the usefullness of the Practice if well observ’d and therefore the Expedience thereof.  He was So well persuaded that he presented me one to be Read to the Church.