October 27, 1726

1726 October 27 (Thursday).  Mr. Thatcher[1] of Milton preach’d the Lecture, on Ps. 63.5.  I was after Lecture with Mr. Byles,[2] and very well Satisfy’d with his Improvements especially in Poetry.  Deacon Coffin[3] of Newbury was at My Father’s.  My very Good Friend Mr. Isaac Greenwood[4] returned from England about a Week or Ten Dayes Since and was now in Town; but all My Diligence and Eagerness could not bring me to a Light of him.  It was Windy and Cold I declin’d returning back upon my Journey as I had proposed.  I bought Dr. Mather’s Christian Philosopher,[5] Sermons on Prayer with a Pamphlet or Two, of Mr. Gerrish.[6]

[1]Reverend Peter Thacher (Harvard 1671), minister of Milton.  Sibley, II, 370-379.

[2]Mather Byles of Boston.

[3]Deacon Nathaniel Coffin, also the town clerk of Newbury for nearly 40 years.  John
J. Cumer, Ould Newbury: Historical and Biographical Sketches (Boston, 1896), pp. 170-1

[4](Harvard 1721).  Classmate of Parkman and later the first Hllis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard College.  Sibley, VI, 471-482.

[5]Cotton Mather, The Christian Philosopher: a collection of the best discoveries in Nature, with religious improvements (Boston, 1721)

[6]Samuel Gerrish, town clerk of Boston, and a well-known bookseller.