October 3, 1726

1726 October 3 (Monday).  Mr. Cushing was at our house before his Journey to Hingham.  We began our Indian Corn Harvest, and I sent my Apples to the Cyder Mill at Mr. Forbush’s.[1]  I went down to Mr. Forbush’s myself before the Team (which was Mr. Warrens[2]) came along.  Neighbor Green assisted in a Lesser Third part of what I planted of Corn.

[1]Jonathan Forbush of Westborough.

[2]Daniel Warren of Westborough.

October 12, 1726

1726 October 12 (Wednesday).  I rode with Mr. Breck to Sutton where was form’d an Ecclesiasticall Council by the Desire of Mr. McKinstry, the Pastor of the Church of Sutton and the aggriev’d Part of the Town and Church upon occasion of their Differences.  The Council consisted of 7 Churches, viz., Framingham, Marlborough, Lancaster, West and East Sudbury, Weston and Shrewsbury, The Pastors and Delegates.  The Reverend Mr. Swift[1] of Framingham, Moderator; The Reverend Mr. Prentice[2] of Lancaster, Clerk.  The Public Hearing Lasted for this Day till nine at night.  Ministers were Entertain’d and lodg’d at Mr. McKinstrys; the Delegates in the Town.

[1]John Swift.

[2]John Prentice.

October 13, 1726

1726 October 13 (Thursday).  We were again at the Meeting house and the former part of the Day was spent in further hearing.  The Contending or opposing (I had rather than aggriev’d) party was very Resolute to use their Utmost to Carry their will, But very unhappily Expos’d themselves (especially Some few of them) very much.  The Council had a great deal of Patience because they would guard against Every Exception that might render their Result invalid with any one.  The Council Sat the Latter part of the Day and till 2 in the morning.  I Spent Time with Mr. Campbell,[1] Mr. McKinstry, My Sister (who was here at her Brothers) and in the Evening with Mr. Dike[2] (a man of great understanding) and others of the Standing Party (as they Stil’d themselves), among whom I had many circumstances open’d much to my Content.

[1]Reverend John Campbell of Oxford.

[2]Nathaniel Dike of Sutton.

October 14, 1726

1726 October 14 (Friday).  The Council Sat again this Forenoon.  Afternoon the Result was publish’d, which advis’d them to methods of Pacification, when it had pass’d Censure upon the various allegations on both Sides.  Mr. McKinstry manifested his acquiescence.  Mr. Johnson,[1] Mr. Putnam,[2] etc. demonstrated dissatisfaction and Passion.  The Council urg’d them to Consider and weigh what was done, but they were wholly intractable forward.  And such was the Frame we left them in.  I got home (safe) a little before night.

[1]Elisha Johnson.

[2]Elisha Putnam.

October 25, 1726

1726 October 25 (Tuesday).  I rode to Marlborough, it being Ministers Meeting.  We were generally together.  Mr. McKinstry ask’d what advice we could give him to direct his future Behaviour and Managements.  Upon his Request the Eleven Ministers assisted him With Their Counsel.  Mr. Swift (Mr. Cushing having pray’d) discours’d upon a Sower went forth to sow.  I rode with Mr. Cook and Mr. Frink and Sister Hicks to Sudbury.  I lodg’d at Mr. Cook’s.

October 26, 1726

1726 October 26 (Wednesday).  I rose early, at day break, mounted my horse and rode away without disturbing anyone of the house (as I had premonish’d them).  I came to Cambridge about Ten, and thence to Boston about 2 or 3 o’Clock p.m.  I was with Mr. Samuel Mather[1] this Evening.  He read to Me a Letter of his Father to Lord Chancellor.

[1]Samuel Mather (Harvard 1723), the son of Dr. Cotton Mather, and later minister of the Second Church in Boston, 1732-1741, and the 10th Congregational Society, 1742-1785.  Sibley, VII, 216-239.

October 27, 1726

1726 October 27 (Thursday).  Mr. Thatcher[1] of Milton preach’d the Lecture, on Ps. 63.5.  I was after Lecture with Mr. Byles,[2] and very well Satisfy’d with his Improvements especially in Poetry.  Deacon Coffin[3] of Newbury was at My Father’s.  My very Good Friend Mr. Isaac Greenwood[4] returned from England about a Week or Ten Dayes Since and was now in Town; but all My Diligence and Eagerness could not bring me to a Light of him.  It was Windy and Cold I declin’d returning back upon my Journey as I had proposed.  I bought Dr. Mather’s Christian Philosopher,[5] Sermons on Prayer with a Pamphlet or Two, of Mr. Gerrish.[6]

[1]Reverend Peter Thacher (Harvard 1671), minister of Milton.  Sibley, II, 370-379.

[2]Mather Byles of Boston.

[3]Deacon Nathaniel Coffin, also the town clerk of Newbury for nearly 40 years.  John
J. Cumer, Ould Newbury: Historical and Biographical Sketches (Boston, 1896), pp. 170-1

[4](Harvard 1721).  Classmate of Parkman and later the first Hllis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard College.  Sibley, VI, 471-482.

[5]Cotton Mather, The Christian Philosopher: a collection of the best discoveries in Nature, with religious improvements (Boston, 1721)

[6]Samuel Gerrish, town clerk of Boston, and a well-known bookseller.