September 5, 1726

1726 September 5 (Monday).  This Day being my Birth Day (when I enter’d into my 24th year) I had a great variety of Contemplations of the volubility of Time of the vast importance of making preparation for Eternity the great Business of Life.  And I am urged to be the more Speedy and fervent by the Consideration of the Tenderness and infirmity of my naturall constitution through which I have long been much obstructed in my great work.  But what have my S trongest Resolutions Many times come to?  and what is my own sufficiency without assistance of Divine Grace?  O that I may Live to Christ, and by the Faith only of the Son of God, that I may have the honour and Happiness of doing Some service to his interest, that I may be wise to win souls, and when I have preach’d to others may not be myself a Castaway.