August 28, 1726

1726 August 28 (Sunday).  I preach’d again upon 1 John 2.1, a. and p.m. I was much wearied at noon, and very unactive.  Aged Mrs. Holloway[1] was Suddenly taken ill this morning.  At Midnight Mr. Holloway came to me and desir’d me to rise and ride to his Mother.  I did so.  When I came to her she could Scarce Speak, but her understanding was Strong.  I pray’d after which She Reviv’d and spake a great deal to me alone of her former Desires and the Comforts She had lately received from Deacon Keys[2] of Shrewsbury, etc.

[1]Mother of William and/or Adam Holloway of Westborough.

[2]Deacon John Keyes should not be confused with Captain John Keyes, another resident of Shrewsbury.  The ancestry of both is unclear.  Ward, Shrewsbury, pp. 339-341.