August 2, 1726

1726 August 2 (Tuesday).  Our Mother Champney with my Child rode to Cambridge, stopping only at Livermores.[1]  Got down about 5 p.m. though we set out at almost 10 a.m.  We had a comfortable Journey.  But we found sister Ruth ill.  Brother Samuel Parkman happened to come up here and return’d again.  Sister Lydia[2] and I walk’d over to Brother Hicks’.[3]  She went to the Docters and then we returned home.

[1]Joseph Livermore of Framingham.

[2]Lydia Champney, Parkman’s sister-in-law.

[3]John Hicks of Cambridge, Parkman’s brother-in-law.

August 4, 1726

1726 August 4 (Thursday).  I bought Mr. Willard on the Catechism,[1] price 55 Shillings.  My appointment was to go back to Cambridge this morning and to proceed as far on my Journey as the Time would permit.  I sat tediously waiting for my Horse, but not coming I neither went to Lecture nor any whither else all Day.  About Sun setting Brother came and then I came to Cambridge.

[1]Samuel Willard, A Compleat Body of Divinity in Two Hundred and Fifty Expository Lectures on the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism (Boston, 1726).  Sibley, II, 13-36

August 5, 1726

1726 August 5 (Friday).  Leaving Sister Ruth[1] very ill I rode as far as Captain Brintnalls[2] where I waited for his Son some time, but not coming I hasted to Marlborough.  I din’d at Mr. Woods.[3]  Was at Mr. Brecks[4] — for there was no little need of Resting, it was so exceeding hot.  Thence (Gladly) home.  But here the Evening was very disconsolate!  My Wife was on the Bed lonely but sadly weeping, oppress’d and discourag’d with her own Pains and ills, and with the Sicknesses of many in the Town.  Sarjeant Rice,[5] and Son Eleazer,[6] Neighbor Maynard, Asher Rice, and Jeduthan[7] Fay all suddenly taken and very bad each with scorching fevers.

[1]Ruth Champney, Parkman’s sister-in-law.

[2]William Brintnall of Sudbury.

[3]Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.

[4]Reverend Robert Breck of Marlborough.

[5]Edmund Rice, an original settler of Westborough.

[6]Eleazer Rice lived in southwestern Marlborough but was admitted to the church in Westborough.

[7]Son of Samuel and Tabitha Fay.

August 10, 1726

1726 August 10 (Wednesday).  I was at Mr. Rices again to finish his Last will and testament.  Here was Captain Brigham[1] and Deacon Rice.[2]  I pray’d here again.  I call’d in to see Neighbor Maynard as I went home, and I pray’d with him likewise.  In the Afternoon I rode out to See the Sick in the other parts of Town — Peres Rice and Jeduthan Fay.

[1]Nathan Brigham of Marlborough.

[2]Caleb Rice of Marlborough.

August 15, 1726

1726 August 15 (Monday).  I was sent for to Mr. Rices.  They apprehended him (according to his own phrase) near winding up.  When I came to him the Springs of Life were very weak and Low.  He could speak Yea or No but I had no answer from him to many Questions I asked him.  I pray’d Earnestly for him; I discoursed to his Wife and Children and Friends about the Bed and then Solemnly bid him Farewell.  He gave me fervent tokens and I Left him.  He dy’d about an hour after.  Captain Fay[1] and Two Sons came to take care of Some Hay which Phinehas Hardy and Thomas Forbush, Junior[2] mow’d to Day for me.

[1]Of Westborough.

[2]Son of the Westborough selectman.

August 21, 1726

1726 August 21 (Sunday).  Sacrament Day.  I preach’d a.m. on Heb. 10.22.  Captain Willard,[1] Dr. Matthews,[2] Hezekiah Ward[3] and Mrs. Grove of Greenland communicated with us.  P.M. I preach’d upon 1 John 2.1.  Many Marlborough people, Mr. Breck I concluded to be absent.

[1]Benjamin Willard of Grafton.

[2]Dr. John Matthews, physician of Marlborough and Southborough.

[3]Of Marlborough.

August 23, 1726

1726 August 23 (Tuesday).  In my lowly State I wrote a Letter to my wife which I never Design’d to Send.  I had great opportunity to Discourse with my Maid servant of things of an Everlasting Importance.  I improv’d it in some measure, but found she had received but very barely in her Education, being very unacquainted with the Principles of Religion, and not able to so much as to return  any Answer to the Catechism taught our Smallest Children.  Alas!  The Irreligion and Ignorance of many (professedly Christian) Families among us of this Country, notwithstanding the Care universally taken for their Instruction!

August 28, 1726

1726 August 28 (Sunday).  I preach’d again upon 1 John 2.1, a. and p.m. I was much wearied at noon, and very unactive.  Aged Mrs. Holloway[1] was Suddenly taken ill this morning.  At Midnight Mr. Holloway came to me and desir’d me to rise and ride to his Mother.  I did so.  When I came to her she could Scarce Speak, but her understanding was Strong.  I pray’d after which She Reviv’d and spake a great deal to me alone of her former Desires and the Comforts She had lately received from Deacon Keys[2] of Shrewsbury, etc.

[1]Mother of William and/or Adam Holloway of Westborough.

[2]Deacon John Keyes should not be confused with Captain John Keyes, another resident of Shrewsbury.  The ancestry of both is unclear.  Ward, Shrewsbury, pp. 339-341.

August 31, 1726

1726 August 31 (Wednesday).  My Corn Stalks were Cut (in part).  My Child not well, she now breading her Eye Teeth.  I have had very Sensible Perception of the Truth of the Apostles Saying 1 Cor. 7.31.  The Fashion of this World passeth away.  Truly a very Slender observation makes it Obvious.  Everything in Nature being in incessant Motion; and we living by Changes The Age Wears off Time is at last to be small ow’d up in Eternity.