1726 March 1 (Tuesday). Mrs. Whood and her Son with a Sled came and fetch’d away their Hay out of my Barn.
Month: March 1726
March 2, 1726
1726 March 2 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing came to see us, and Mr. Woods of Marlborough was here at the same time. A Swine (given us by Mr. Holloway[1]) kill’d for us by Neighbor Clark and David Maynard. Mr. Cushing Lodg’d here. He gave us an account of Mr. Elmer and his Enfield People, etc.
[1]Adam Holloway of Westborough.
March 4, 1726
1726 March 4 (Friday). He Returned Home. I in part prepar’d a Sermon.
March 5, 1726
1726 March 5 (Saturday). I went on with my preparation till Noon, when I rode to Shrewsbury, and Mr. Cushing rode back my Horse to Westborough.
March 6, 1726
March 7, 1726
1726 March 7 (Monday). Mr. Cushing came in the morning to Me. We went over to Mr. Keyes’s, where we had a strange Report about Mr. Breck’s going to Merchant Wood’s. Old Mr. Joslin[1] of Marlborough, a very grave and good man buried there. I wrote to Boston by Lieutenant Leonard[2] of Worcester. I return’d home.
[1]Nathaniel Joslin died March 5, 1726.
[2]Moses Leonard.
March 8, 1726
1726 March 8 (Tuesday). Mr. Williams of Marlborough here to ask me to preach Mr. Brecks Lecture next Thursday.
March 9, 1726
1726 March 9 (Wednesday). I went to Captain Byle’s and to Mr. Brighams to see his dau’ter in Law who continues Sick. At her Desire I pray’d with her. Mr. Brigham came home with me to prune my Trees. I went over to Neighbor Pratts to the Raising of his Barn.
March 10, 1726
1726 March 10 (Thursday). This morning, though not very good weather, I went to Marlborough to Lecture, But Mr. Cushing both pray’d and preach’d notwithstanding I was sent to, for I was not very well and I was glad I could persuade him. His Text was Mat. 11.12. We went down to Mr. Woods and it became very Stormy and rain’d hard. Mr. Thomas was with us with many of his diverting amusements and adventures in London. Mr. Woods presented me a Girdle. Mr. Cushing Lodg’d with me at Mr. Brecks.
March 11, 1726
1726 March 11 (Friday). Captain Brigham[1] came in and gave us all an Invitation to Dinner with his Troop the last Tuesday of this Month. When we had din’d we left Mr. Brecks. I return’d home by way of Deacon Rices.[2] It was most Tedious Riding by the breaking in of the Horse. We were run into some Difficulty about going to Mill through it being So long Stormy. But William Clark on the 12th went for us. Neighbor Clark brought Three Cows and Mr. Oliver Ward an Horse to my Barn.
[1]Nathan Brigham of Marlborough. Hudson, Marlborough, p. 334.
[2]Caleb Rice of Marlborough. Hudson, Marlborough, p. 435.
March 13, 1726
1726 March 13 (Sunday). My Text this Day was Math. 6.6.
March 14, 15, 1726
1726 March 14, 15 (Monday, Tuesday). There is Need of again and again Remarking the Extream Difficulty and Distresses of People For themselves and their Beasts for want of Both Corn and Hay.
March 16, 1726
March 17, 18, 19, 1726
1726 March 17, 18, 19 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday). I further pursu’d my Subject of Secret worship and accordingly
March 20, 1726
1726 March 20 (Sunday). I preach’d on the same Text as Last Sabbath. Jason Badcock an illegitimate born Child presented by Mr. Joseph Wheeler was Baptiz’d. That I might warrant this practice by Suitable Defence thereof I consulted our gravest New England Divines, Increase Mather, etc., First, and then Foreign most Judicious as van Mastericht (as well as those of our own Nation) Ames, etc.
March 21, 22, 23, 1726
1726 March 21, 22, 23 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). I made it my Business to Enquire into the State of the Land and to Study the Causes of the Divine Judgement and what God is Demanding of Us by his Severe hands upon us. It is a Distresing time. Multitudes under heavy Sufferings for want of Hay for their Creatures.
March 24, 1726
1726 March 24 (Thursday). A Publick Fast. My Text was Jas. 12.4, a.m. and p.m. I Labour’d hard. When Exercises were over my mind was possess’d with it that God would be favourable to us this Year Ensuing.
March 25, 26, 1726
1726 March 25, 26 (Friday, Saturday). Very Strictly Engag’d in my Preparations.
March 27, 1726
1726 March 27 (Sunday). I preach’d upon Ps. 25.11.
March 28, 1726
March 29, 1726
1726 March 29 (Tuesday). Mr. Rice Sundry Times visited me upon account of his Mare. Mr. John Pratt with me about my Meadows, etc.
March 30, 1726
1726 March 30 (Wednesday). No whither can one turn but the Calamity of the times are felt, Everyone Complaining and Lamenting. My Neighbor Clark though a foreigner I could not but Commiserate, and I actually did put forth Myself to my utmost to succour him Every Way, By Grain, Hay, keeping Creatures, Money, etc. O Miserere Deus! Corn was Sold at Oxford for 8 shillings per Bushel, and in other places.
March 31, 1726
1726 March 31 (Thursday). I rode down to Captain Wards to Engage Robert Henry to Live with me and I did so and Silence Bartlet, one for 23 t’other for 8 pounds per Year.