1726 February 1 (Tuesday). A Clear Day, except the first part of it, but the wind very high and blew the Snow about very much, Especially towards and in the Evening Exceeding Vehement and Cold. I read likewise the account given of Madame De Maintenon by the Guardian.
Month: February 1726
February 2, 1726
1726 February 2 (Wednesday). This morning was bitter Cold. We have hitherto had a very Severe Winter as we have Scarcely had for many Years. I began my preparations for the Sabbath. I read the notes of Rescomen on Horace in part.
February 3, 4, 5, 1726
February 6, 1726
1726 February 6 (Sunday). I preach’d on Heb. 10.25. In the morning I was put into great confusion and astonishment while Engag’d in the first prayer, to Such a Degree that it was with much difficulty that I proceeded, for I Entered upon the Sacred Employment with trembling and fear from the meditations I had all the morning upon my unworthyness and Sinfullness, my Slothfullness, negligence and unprofitableness in the most Exalted Trust and with Some of the highest Advantages. And the lively apprehension hereof so fill’d and possess’d my mind in the Holy Exercises that I could Scarce regard anything besides. I consider it as a righteous Castigation of God for my unfaithfullness to him in the great work to which he has called me, and I would humble myself before him and Implore his pardon through the Blood of Christ, and his grace to quicken and assist me. Both at noon and at night I Sadly reflected hereupon and offered prayers to God for Reconciliation and mercy.
February 7, 1726
1726 February 7 (Monday). Neighbor Clark[1] related the management of the Church of Stow in the Case of Richard Temple, a Member thereof. We got out a parcell of grain that was so full of Tares it was Scarce fit for use.
[1]This person appears often in subsequent entries. Neither the Westborough town records nor the town history records any Clark in this period. Also Clark and Clarke genealogies do not reveal further information about this man.
February 8, 1726
February 9, 1726
February 10, 11, 12, 1726
1726 February 10, 11, 12 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday). I was chiefly taken up with my Sermons. Very pleasant weather because thawing.
February 13, 1726
1726 February 13 (Sunday). I again preach’d on Heb. 10.25.
February 14, 1726
1726 February 14 (Monday). I rode to Marlborough to Mr. Brecks.[1] We walk’d to Mr. Woods.[2] I paid up my account with Mr. Woods. We went into Mr. Amsdens[3] and Mr. Thomas[4] came in. My Full purpose was to return home, but Mr. Breck was so very Urgent with me, Since I had not been there for the Space of 3 months, that I tarried there all night.
[1]Reverend Robert Breck of Marlborough.
[2]Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.
[3]Captain Isaac Amsden of Marlborough.
[4]William Thomas of Marlborough.
February 15, 1726
1726 February 15 (Tuesday). After Dinner Mr. Breck appointed to go to his Daughters with me. I went to Mr. Edward Rice’s[1] Shop and there, taking leave of Mr. Breck, I rode to Williams’s[2] To see Mrs. Williams,[3] it being the first of my being in Town Since she was married. Returning home I call’d at Captain Wards[4] to warm me it being Cold and to spend a Little time in Conversation with the Captain but he had taken a fortnight ride into Connecticut.
[1]Of Marlborough.
[2]Colonel Abraham Williams, a prominent resident of Marlborough. Charles Hudson, History of Marlborough (Boston, 1862), p. 470.
[3]Elizabeth Breck, daughter of the Reverend Robert Breck, married Abraham Williams, Dec. 22, 1725.
[4]Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury. Ward, Shrewsbury, pp. 457-459.
February 16, 1726
1726 February 16 (Wednesday). I read Dr. Mathers Directions to a Candidate of the Ministry which pleased me very much.
February 17, 1726
February 20, 1726
1726 February 20 (Sunday). I preach’d upon Gen. 12.8.
February 21, 22, 23, 1726
1726 February 21, 22, 23 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). I was oblig’d to Strict attention and Study. I sent Mr. Ward to Mr. Barretts but he was from Home, and therefore no Dependence to be had upon him.
February 24, 1726
1726 February 24 (Thursday). We had a Lecture upon 2 Cor. 5.17.
February 25, 26, 1726
1726 February 25, 26 (Friday, Saturday). I us’d utmost Diligence to prepare myself for the Approaching Solemnity, yet I was somewhat put to it to finish before I went to Bed on Saturday Night.
February 27, 1726
1726 February 27 (Sunday). It was very Stormy and Consequently few Communicants to be Expected and ‘Twas not without much Difficulty that my Wife surmounted the Wind and Snow. But I hope we all had much Reason to rejoice in the presence of God that we Enjoy’d at the Holy Supper of the Lord, which I administered, having preach’d upon Psalm 84.1. In the Afternoon I again Discours’d on Gen. 12.8. Our Exercises were very short.
February 28, 1726
1726 February 28 (Monday). I rode as far as Mr. Warrins and Mr. Amsdens. Mr. Amsden, upon Occasion of his Horse and a great number in the Neighborhood besides, and in every Town about us, gave out various Reflections upon the Sad Mortality and Destruction of Horses; and the sore visitations in the Extream scarcity of Corn and Hay at this Juncture, through which Multitudes are sorely Distress’d.