October 26, 1760

1760 October 26 (Sunday).  Dr. Ball, late in the morning, called at the Door, to desire me to visit Neighbour Seth Morse’s Child, which he thought would dye before Noon or to come when meeting was over.  I had no Horse; and it was too late; I went not.  Read Job 38 from v. 22 and 2 Cor. 3.  Preached a.m. on Ps. 1.2, latter part.  P.M. repeated parts of Several Sermons on the Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ from Rev. 1.18 from page 139 to 152 omitting pages 141, 2, 3, 4, and then from page 153 to page 159, omitting what is inserted in the Bottoms of pages 154, 5, 6, 7.  N.B. One Mr. Everton of Douglass, dined here: as did Mrs. Eunice Cook (Wife of Mr. Cornelius Cook) of Wrentham; who desires She may be dismissed to the Church where She lives; which was done this afternoon.  N.B. Mr. Thomas Twitchell had neglected to come to me, either last Week or the Week before with his Relation; and had omitted it to Day.  And his Admission had been deferred one Sabbath already; neither could it be put off without great Inconvenience any longer; Therefore at noon I Sent for him — he came — I was obliged to take from his Mouth a few principal Things, and recollecting as well as I could what had passed in the Several Times of his Examination, I wrote something for him, which was his Relation to the Church.  He and Joseph Grout, Mrs. Sarah Grout and Miss Rebecca Hardy were admitted into the Church.  I also baptized a Child of Mr. Elijah Rice’s.  Appointed the Communion and preparatory Lecture.  After all these Services walked on foot to Mr. Morse’s to See their Child, which I prayed with — and then rode home to my Family Exercises.  May God pardon my Defects, accept of my Endeavors, and add His Blessing to the Means of Grace for Jesus Sake!