October 27, 1740

[1740 October 27 (Monday)?]  P.M. I rode accompany’d by Mr. Whipple to see Mr. Seth Hudson[1] who was sick.  Call’d at Mr. Allens[2] and at Mr. Pilatiah Rice’s.[3]  Heard that Mr. Whitefield was taken up and carry’d off.

[1]Of Marlborough.  Hudson, Marlborough, 399.

[2]Ephraim Allen, who lived in that part of Westborough that later became Northborough.

[3]Palatiah (Pallatiah) Rice lived in Westborough.

October 30, 1740

1740 October 30 (Thursday).  Mr. Tainter, Mr. Harrington,[1] Mr. Aaron Forbush and Warrin came to take down my wild steer.  They perswaded me rather to fell [sell?] him and buy my Beef notwithstanding the keeping I had bestow’d and I consented and Sold him to Mr. Harrington for £13.  Mr. Hezekiah Ward of Sturbridge here.  We Shut up a Third Swine for Pork.  Exceeding Cold for the Time of Year.

[1]Samuel Harrington.

October 31, 1740

1740 October 31 (Friday).  Mr. Hezekiah How and Eliezer Rice got down poles to cover my well with.  I bought a pair of Steer one coming 4 which I had for 11£ 5 Shillings, and another coming 5 which was valued at 12£ 10, for which I was to give him a Young Cow with Calf, valued at 8£ 10, and a Red Steer coming 4 valued at 7£ 15, and he to give me in money 3£ 15.  A.M. I rode to Marlborough to wait upon Mr. Aaron Smith in bringing home his New wife.  Lodg’d at Dr. Gotts upon whose new wife I now wished [blank] also.

November 1, 1740

1740 November 1 (Saturday).  In the Morning I got my Horse Shod at Mr. William Witts.[1]  I broke fast at Mr. Smiths, brought up Sally Gott[2] to tarry a while at our House, but we rode first to the Burial of Joseph Warrin Son of Neighbour Thomas Warrin who dy’d of the Throat Distemper at Lieutenant Tainters,[3] and was bury’d from thence.  I din’d at Lieutenant Tainters.  A Cold Season.

[1]The son of John Witt who came to Marlborough in the early 1700s.  Hudson, Marlborough, 473-474.

[2]Sarah Gott was Parkman’s niece.

[3]Joseph Tainter of Marlborough.

November 6, 1740

1740 November 6 (Thursday).  Covering up my well it being very pleasant weather and the Earth open.  Much Dirt had drop’d into the well by means of the Frosts.  Mr. Mead here and Mr. Billings;[1] the latter inform’d me that the Committee for the School had sent for Mr. Jenison[2] to keep our school for Two Months over on the North side, and That Corner had met, agreed and rais’d Money for his preaching to them, all on the North of the Road; and Mr. Wheeler one of the said Committee was now down for him.  Not a word of all which had I ever heard of till this Day.

[1]Thomas Billings.

[2]William Jenison, formerly a minister at Salem.

November 11, 1740

1740 November 11 (Tuesday).  Mr. Daniel Forbush[1] came and mended my Chimney, on the north side under the Roof of the House, a part of which we took off and clos’d up again.  He pointed round the Chimney, and the Kitchen Jamms etc.  My Wife rode to Marlborough with Brother Hicks upon my mare, to be blooded, and return’d at Evening.  Lieutenant Tainter and Mr. Charles Rice got me down several turns of wood with my Oxen.  In the Evening Charles Woods[2] was married to Phebe Rice.  A Considerable Number of young persons and others present.  Put up the mare tonight in the Barn.

[1]Son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.

[2]Of Southborough.

November 12, 1740

1740 November 12 (Wednesday).  Squawly, Snowy, etc. last night.  Cold blustering Winds this morning.  Neibbour [sic] Cook here at Evening desiring a church meeting, which I promis’d him with all Convenient Speed.  N.B. on the 12th Mr. Eliezer Rice here and took away my young brindled Cow, with Calf, and a young Steer coming 4, according to bargain for his Cattle.  I am indebted to him 7.10.0 overplus.

November 13, 1740

1740 November 13 (Thursday).  Storm of Snow, very Cold, and the Meeting House very cold and uncomfortable.  Several of the Casements down and others very loose and open.  I Spake to the people with some Resentment because I had twice Spoken in Private without Effect.  I preach’d, though through much Difficulty, on Eph. 5.20.  It continues to Snow, and is a very Difficult, Cold Time.  My Cattle out yet.

November 20, 1740

1740 November 20 (Thursday).  Neighbor Aaron Forbush and Hezekiah Pratt kill’d Three Swine for me.  Weight 141, 118, 99.  Neighbor Warrin building me a Hovel.  At Evening a great Multitude were here to see Simon Tainter and Mary Bruce marry’d.  Thirteen Horses, 12 of which double, came with them and about a Dozen more came before them and a great number of Young Persons, So that the House was greatly fill’d with them.

November 23, 1740

1740 November 23 (Sunday).  Cloudy, Sometimes Misty.  Sacrament Day.  A great Number of North Side Members absent — notwithstanding that it was the Day according to Custom; and notwithstanding that Mr. Jenison, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Hayward were here in the Course of the Week and were well inform’d and could inform others.  I preach’d on Heb. 13.20.21.  P.M. repeated sermon 2 on Ps. 5.7.