July 15, 1740

1740 July 15 (Tuesday).  I rode to my ministerial Meadow, found Edward and Benjamin Whipple mowing.  It was already somewhat Brown and ought to have been cutt before this Day.  I rode to Mr. Whipples, Captain Fays, Mr. Grouts,[1] Cousin Winchesters, Mr. Nathaniel Whitneys, Walkers, Tainters (where I din’d — N.B. Discourse with Bekky),[2] old Mrs. Rice’s and thence home about 2 p.m.

[1]Joseph Grout.

[2]Mrs. Simon Tainter.

July 17, 1740

1740 July 17 (Thursday).  Neighbor Warrin came between 10 and 11, mow’d till near noon then pitch’d up a great parcel of Hay in the Bay and Barn Floor and put the mow to rights.  He mow’d a little and was so ill that he broke off before night, but help’d us in carrying in Hay.  Mr. Eliezer Bellows carted home Boards for me, the Remainder of what I bought of Mr. Mead.

July 20, 1740

1740 July 20 (Sunday).  In the Morning I walk’d with Dr. Smith to See Solomon Hapgood, second son of Captain Hapgood[1] who was very bad of the Throat Distemper.  I preach’d on Hos. 6.1 a. and p.m.  After Services Mr. Cushing came home, and went to Captain Hapgoods — But the sun being sett I returned home.

[1]Thomas Hapgood of Shrewsbury.  Ward, Shrewsbury, 306.

July 21, 1740

1740 July 21 (Monday).  Thomas Winchester and Thomas Whitney went with Edward Whipple to mow in the Meadow.  Thomas Whitney soon cutt himself and went home.  My little Boys considerable of Hay to take Care of and nobody to help ‘em.  P.M. Messrs. Whipples brought home (with one Team) Two Load of Hay from the Meadow and got up one Load from below my old House and southside.  Sold them a Barrell of Cyder for 16 Shillings.  N.B. Neighbor Cook[1] and John Rogers in Contest before Colonel Nahum Ward.[2]

[1]Cornelius Cook.

[2]The magistrate, of Shrewsbury.

July 22, 1740

1740 July 22 (Tuesday).  I rose early and rode as far as Mr. Biglo’s.  Met Mr. Eliezer Bellows going to work for Ensign Maynard[1] notwithstanding that he had promis’d to come and help me, for which I was disquieted with him.  Call’d at Neighbor Abner Newtons and receiv’d £5.  Neighbor Biglo and his Boy, neighbor Daniel Hardy and Jonas Warrin, junior mow’d for me.  The weather Clear yet and the Earth very dry.  The Staple in my Pump Handle drew out and Sunk down to the Box, which oblig’d me to pull up the pump Spire; and it being very long, Neighbor Hardy (who endeavor’d to hold it up) let it fall and broke off the Top nigh a foot and half which put us into much trouble for Water.  N.B. Neighbor Jesse Maynard[2] and his wife here in order to their owning the Covenant.  N.B. Solomon Hapgood and Mr. Daniel Drury, Child, of Shrewsbury, bury’d, both having dy’d of the Throat Distemper.

[1]Stephen Maynard of Westborough.

[2]Son of David Maynard, an original settler.

July 24, 1740

1740 July 24 (Thursday).  Rain still.  The Seasonableness of the Rain may prevent our meadow repining for our Hay, though Two Load or more at the Meadow and 3 or 4 Days Mowing at home lyes expos’d.  P.M. clear’d away and nigh 1/2 after 4 o’Clock Mr. Biglo came and Tom with him and mow’d till night the new ground above the Orchard and both of them lodg’d here.

July 25, 1740

1740 July 25 (Friday).  Mr. Biglo went to the Meadow to mow the North Side of the Brook.  Tom mow’d a little in the morning, and afterwards we all made and raked till night.  N.B. Disappointed  by Neighbor Daniel Warrin, whom I would fain have had for the afternoon although I willingly releas’d him to his own work in the morning.  At Eve reckon’d with Neighbor Aaron Forbush.  N.B. Timothy Warrin and wife here in the Evening.

July 26, 1740

1740 July 26 (Saturday).  Mr. Biglo went again to mow the north side of the Meadow.  Tom Rak’d at Home.  N.B. Neighbor Daniel Warrin came to work, but I had engag’d help Sufficient, and my Business being near finish’d I let him have his Choice to go or Stay upon which he went home.  Mr. Aaron Forbush came between 10 and 11 a.m. with his Team and got in Two Turns of Hay.  Mr. Biglo afternoon came and help’d rake and Cock the Hay at Home.

July 31, 1740

1740 July 31 (Thursday).  A Clear good Hay Day.  We open’d and Spread what the Storms had Soak’d and recock’d it by the help of Neighbor Daniel Warrin who help’d me from noon till 4 o’Clock p.m.  We pol’d in Some leavy Hay from the New Ground on the East Side of the upper Garden.  At Night a Thunder Storm.  The Two little Boys rak’d yesterday and today at the Meadow what Mr. Biglo mow’d, and Aaron Forbush junior (who went about the middle of the afternoon) cock’d it, about 28 Cocks.  N.B. Girls to Huckleberrying.

August 6, 1740

1740 August 6 (Wednesday).  A bright Morning, which we have not had this long Time.  I think ever since Thursday last.  Mr. Barrett, going to Shrewsbury, call’d here.  Letter from Mr. Lydius of Albany, informing that the Rices[1] of Canada desire one of their Brethren of New England would go up to Albany and meet them on September 6 next, in order to their making a Visit hither.  Nei[gh]bour Seth Rice[2] here with the Letter, himself under Indispositions.

[1]The story of the captivity of the Rice boys was recorded by Parkman.  See The Story of the Rice Boys (Westborough, 1906).

[2]Son of Edmund Rice of Westborough.

August 11, 1740

1740 August 11 (Monday).  My Wife rode with me to Marlborough.  I visited Colonel Woods[1] who was much indispos’d by Hydropic and Asthmatic Disorders.  I din’d with Mr. Smith, where also din’d Mr. Cushing and Master Loring.  We visited the Colonel after Dinner and were also at the Doctors and at Captain Williams.[2]  While we were at the Captain’s a great storm of Rain arose.  We rode home in the Evening after the Rain.

[1]Benjamin Woods.

[2]Abraham Williams, Parkman’s brother-in-law.