February 5, 1739

1739 February 5 (Monday).  I have Heard that to Day the Town of Marlborough were to open Mr. Samuel Cooks answer to their Call.[1]  N.B. Mr. Samuel Fay juniors Infant Child bury’d which bled to Death at the Navel.  N.B. Very Cold.  In at Mr. Samuel Williams at Evening.  My Wife grows worse, her pains being Sharper for the Time than with the former Legg.  N.B. Upon the Sorrowful News we had receiv’d by Edwards Whipple[2] of the Extreme illness of our sister Lydia Champney at Cambridge, Brother Hicks and his Wife went down, but the circumstances of my Wife did utterly forbid me.

[1]Cooke declined the call.

[2]Of Westborough.

February 7, 1739

1739 February 7 (Wednesday).  A great deal of Company here, which together [with] my wife’s exceeding low Circumstances made it a Day of perpetual Hurry and Engagement — for as to my wife, the night was very distressing — full of Pain and anguish and very faint and Weak.  Nurse watch’d last night as well as Sat up the most of the Night before, and my wife was very restless and as if Death could not be very far off.  As to the Company there were especially Mr. (or Captain) Jonathan Sawyer of Harvard with the bitter and grievous Case of Mr. Seccomb[1] their Pastor.  My Advice was That it was not fit for them to expect a Judgment of the Case unless both sides are fully heard, or that I could hear Facts and Allegations that went into the Merits of the Cause unless they were what were well supported and Mr. Seccomb present to make Reply.  Secondly, That none of the Crimes charg’d against Mr. Seccomb (however those false Rumors were that flew about the world) were such but that upon his deep Humiliation and Reformation and endeavoring to Conduct Himself with peculiar Care respecting the Youth of the Flock he might be, nay and ought to be continued their Pastor.  Thirdly, that it was not adviseable, by any means to have a Council of Churches (Seeing that would be Such a mean of further publishing and Spreading the Evil, already too great) if by any good methods they could heal their grievance at Home, and if it were granted, as complain’d, that many new Facts, or horrible Circumstances had arisen which gave Such sad Disquietment to even those members who, knowing no more than they did then, voted his Restoration that they are full of Dissatisfaction, yet perhaps a new Church Meeting and Reconsideration or Review of matters, might Still be Sufficient and Successfull.  And if it should upon Trial be found that it did not or if such Church Meeting could not be obtained I would rather advise that Two or Three Fathers in the Ministry be apply’d to, to go up to Harvard and assist and Direct them in the Affair.  I also told Mr. Sawyer that if Opportunity presented I should acquaint Mr. Seccomb with his having been here, and the Errand he came upon, which he very freely and readily consented to or desir’d.  N.B. There came with Mr. Sawyer, one Mr. Taylor of North Worcester.  Mr. Williams here with Hinges to hang my Front Gate.  Captain Forbush[2] and others here.  Sundry Women to see my Wife.  Brother Hicks return’d from Cambridge.

[1]Rev. John Seccomb (HC 1728), first minister of Harvard, Mass., was charged with unfaithfulness to his marriage vows.  SHG 8:481-490.  Henry S. Nourse, History of the Town of Harvard (Harvard, 1894), 185-87.

[2]Samuel Forbush of Westborough.

February 12, 1739

1739 February 12 (Monday).  Sent Ebenezer to Marlborough to the Doctors and to Mr. Butlers, with the side saddle but he was removed to Rutland.  Captain Warrins young Child bury’d.  I went down in the Snow o’Foot, and the snow blowing into the Path made it very heavy and tiresome.  N.B. Sent to Mr. Williams a Letter touching the Harvard Affair and to Brother Samuel Breck at College and to Brother Samuel Parkman at Boston all by Samuel Baker.[1]  My Wife remains in much the Same State, except the very great Extremeity of Pain which is mitigated by her Anodyne.

[1]Son of Edward Baker of Westborough.

February 13, 1739

1739 February 13 (Tuesday).  Dr. Convers,[1] by Dr. Gotts message to him as he was at Sudbury, came up to visit my wife.  Afterwards came Dr. Gott.  They find her very low, her Blood exceeding Weak, her swelling in her Legg increased and advanc’d into her Body, her Urine has been to a great Degree Supprest’d ever since this Second Legg was Seiz’d with the Pain.  Her medicines are Chalbiats[2] mix’d with Castor, and Ocul. Cancror with Sal. Nitr.  Her bathing with spirits of wine continued but her Pultis ceases, her Teas of Horse Radish, Fennel and Parseley Roots, and we now lay on a Blister.  P.M. Mr. Beeman again bountifully visits and Cousin Winchester here.

[1]Josiah Convers (HC 1723), a physician of Watertown.  SHG, 6:159-60.

[2]A chalybeate medicine was impregnated with or flavored with iron.

February 26, 1739

1739 February 26 (Monday).  The Doctor came to see my wife.  I rode down to Cambridge on occasion of sister Lydia Champneys illness.  Very bad riding by the Hollowness of the Earth by the Frost.  Met with Dr. Convers at Mr. Harringtons[1] Tavern at Waltham.  Found sister Lydia better.  Her Face, Chin and Throat had been very much tumifyed [?] and enflam’d and lanc’d, and she was in great Extremity for some Days last week, but is much more comfortable.  N.B. Trouble by Brother Champney’s [2] courting one Abigail Stearns.[3]

[1]Daniel Harrington.  Charles A. Nelson, Waltham, Past and Present (Cambridge, 1879), 88.

[2]Samuel Champney, Jr., of Cambridge, brother of Parkman’s first wife.

[3]Of Concord.  Intention of marriage to Champney was recorded Oct. 24, 1739.  The marriage itself is not recorded.  Paige, Cambridge, 507.

February 27, 1739

1739 February 27 (Tuesday).  I rode to Charlestown.  I found that the great Mr. Thatcher of the New North dy’d yesterday morning about 3 or 4 o’Clock.  Din’d at my mothers.  Supp’d at Brother Elias’s and lodg’d there.  N.B. Brother Elias’s taking Care about the paying what I ow’d for John Kidney and my Horse at Mr. Webb the Butchers.  N.B. Visited Dr. Cutler,[1] Physician for sister Lydia.

[1]Dr. John Cutler.  Drake, Boston, 633.

March 1, 1739

1739 March 1 (Thursday).  Rode over to Cambridge and to College.  Thence up to Waterton for Neighbor Hezekiah Hows Company.  Overtook him at Woolsons.[1] Stop’d by Mr. William Williams[2] about Harvard affair, and by Brother Breck in Sudbury.  Visited Mr. Cook[3] and his Kinsman[4] who has receiv’d a renewed call to Marlborough.  Having been handsomely refresh’d there I pursued my Journey to Hows Tavern,[5] where came Neighbor Townsend but I had his Company but 2 or 3 miles for I came to Dr. Gotts, and made it into Evening, Cold, heavy, Dirty and Weary Home.

[1]Joseph Woolson of Framingham.

[2]Minister at Weston.

[3]Rev. William Cooke of Wayland, Mass.

[4]Samuel Cooke, later minister at Arlington, Mass.

[5]The Wayside Inn.

March 2, 1739

1739 March 2 (Friday).  Mr. Stone of Southborough brought with him Captain Whitney of Harvard, with a Letter from Deacons and Brethren, and from Mr. Seccomb.  Mr. Stone preach’d my Lecture on Ps. 146.8, last clause.  After Lecture Mr. Stone and I had long Conference and Debates upon Harvard Affair.  We wrote to Captain Sawyer.  Mr. Stone return’d home late.  Captain Whitney lodged here.

March 6, 1739

1739 March 6 (Tuesday).  Storm of Snow.  Mr. Tainter came and kill’d Two Swine for me.  I read Mr. Samuel Mathers Apology for the Churches in New England.[1]

[1]An Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New-England (Boston, 1738).  Mather (HC 1723) was the youngest son of Cotton Mather and at this time minister of the Second Church, Boston.  SHG, 7:216-238.