July 16, 1782

1782 July 16 (Tuesday).  My Daughter Baldwin came: brought by Miss Nabby Baldwin of Shrewsbury.  Colonel is gone to Cambridge to see his son Isaac who Remains Sick there.  P.M. Mr. Isaac Johnson of Southborough came and requested me to ‘change with Mr. Lyon next Sabbath, and administer the Lords Supper.  Mr. Brigham, p.m. went to Cambridge.  By him I wrote to Mr. Moore; and to Elias.

July 22, 1782

1782 July 22 (Monday).  I returned home in safety.  D.G.  P.M. Mrs. Peakman and Mrs. Blackden, of Marlborough, made us a Visit and [Mrs. Maynard?] waited upon them.  They drank Tea etc.  At Eve they returned. Miss Sarah Fay came to request me to visit a young Child that was very bad at their House, her Brother Thomas’s Infant.  I went — Saw — prayed — but the Ensign was at some Distance off, at his Hay.

July 23, 1782

1782 July 23 (Tuesday).  A Sad Disaster befell one of my Neighbour Harringtons Piggs; which ran under the Cart Wheel as Thatcher was driving in a Load of Hay at the End of the House.  The Pig got up, ran down to the first Elm by the Road, there fell down and dyed.  Mr. Brigham stuck her (it was sow) and she bled.  Mr. Harrington was informed immediately by Mr. Brigham, but he would pay little Regard.

July 24, 1782

1782 July 24 (Wednesday).  I was called to go to Mr. Abraham Beemans to See his son Abraham who lay in a deep Stupor; thought to be a Coma.  I Spoke to him, but there was not any Reply: his Exterior Limbs, Hands and Legs, were Cold.  I prayed, but he was insensible.  I left him, but he dyed soon after I left him.  I went into Lt. Thomas Forbush’s, and to his Grandsons — prayed among them.  N.B. Mrs. Forb. has lost her Sister Larkin by Death.

July 31, 1782

1782 July 31 (Wednesday).  A Number of People to level and Settle the little Bed-room, for although there was a considerable multitude yesterday together to move the Building, and they were till 9 o’Clock at night, yet it was necessary to adjust and join it to the main Frame and secure its Foundation.  I am reading the History of the War Vol. 2, No. 1.

August 4, 1782

1782 August 4 (Sunday).  I have made a Sermon for to day but did not deliver it.  I went on with Sermon on Ps. 110.3, latter part, “in the Beauties of Holiness, from the Womb etc., the Dew of thy Youth,” a. and p.m.  May God graciously add His Blessing!  Mrs. Anne Lambson dined here.  At Eve Breck read part of a sermon of Mr. Henry Grove from Heb. 11.13.  My poor Daughter Baldwin is in a very afflicted and distressed State.  Dr. Hawes visits.

August 7, 1782

1782 August 7 (Wednesday).  Mr. President Willard, who had been to Petersham, turned way to Visit me.  He dined here — but he Sat out again for Weston.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Adams now of Hopkinton came and desired a dismission from this Church.  Memorandum. Col. Wheelock has agreed with Mr. Brigham to mowe and get my New Swamp for one Load of the [Hay?] and that I shall have the rest of the Hay when he has cocked it.

August 8, 1782

1782 August 8 (Thursday).  The Interval is every Year a tedious piece of Work.  We have this Year had not only Thomas Thatcher, but Mr. Brigham has hired Mr. Nat. Fay, Several Days to work there.  My Son Ebenezer also has greatly assisted, especially in Carting.  But to day we brought home the last from thence.  My Daughter Baldwin is every day, but especially in the nights, greatly distressed.  Dr. Hawes accommodates her with his Chaise and Mrs. Hawes’s Company to ride out a little.  A Letter from Isaac at Brookfield.  Ephraim Parker Visits us.  A Letter from Colonel Baldwin to Mr. Brigham.

August 9, 1782

1782 August 9 (Friday).  Mrs. Persis Adams was here (by virtue of a Notification sent her of her Husbands desiring a Dismission).  She leaves an address to the Pastor of the Church, to be read when Adams’s Request is read.  N.B. She takes with her the Papers of Evidences.  At Eve Mr. Eli Whitney came and paid me his Rates; which amounted to £1.10.8.

August 11, 1782

1782 August 11 (Sunday).  Carryed on my Discourse to young People (from Ps. 110.3) but took for my Text, on this part Job 13.6 a.m.  P.M. read for the Text 1 Tim. 4.8, latter part.  After which Exercises the Church was stopped and Mr. Daniel Adams Request to be dismissed to Hopkinton was read; also Mrs. Adams’s Paper of Reasons etc. was read, and a Church Meeting voted — to be next Thursday come sennight — 2 p.m.  At Eve, in the Family read the Heads of my Sermons.

August 13, 1782

1782 August 13 (Tuesday).  Capt. Jon. Fays Wife very ill.  Nahum came with Request — went, discoursed and prayed with her.  P.M. Col. Blackden from Marlborough came to See me.  He relates the arrival of a French Fleet in Boston Harbour — 13 of the line, and 4 Frigates: And the late Transactions in Marlborough politically — and about hiring Preaching.

August 14, 1782

1782 August 14 (Wednesday).  Mr. Brigham to Boston.  Several Women to Visit us, viz. Sisters Cushing and Brigham.  Deacon Hawes goes to Hopkinton to carry Mr. Daniel Adams Notification of our Church Meeting, and Copy of his Wife’s Paper of Address to the Church.  I wrote also to Mrs. Adams a like Notification, and left it to my Son Brecks Care to send it by Mr. Joseph Harring[ton?] who goes to day for the News paper.

August 15, 1782

1782 August 15 (Thursday).  I went to Mr. Daniel Stockwells, who earnestly accosts me, requests me to ask Mr. Sanford to preach here, though I never Saw him in my Life, but have heard by many, of his unsoundness, and have had so many written Testimony of it.  P.M. came Mrs. Thatcher, of Attleborough and her Daughter, Mrs. Bethia; to see Thomas who went with them at Eve to Mr. Peters at Hopkinton.

August 17, 1782

1782 August 17 (Saturday).  He delivered Letters from Cape Ann, viz. from Mr. Forbes and from Elias.  Mrs. Baldwin is much born down.  The Drought continues and increases.  Nahum Fay comes to request me to Visit his Mother who grows worse.  Went, discoursed, prayed with her.  Called at Ensign Fay’s, and Saw Thomas’s Child.  Workmen are daily at Work in finishing Brecks House.

August 18, 1782

1782 August 18 (Sunday).  A very dry Day.  We cry to Heaven for Relief.  A.M. I go on with the Discourse on Ps. 110.3, latter part, to Young People chiefly.  May God grant Success!  P.M. preached on Prov. 1.23 (which I lately composed) and was Suitable to follow the forenoon Exercise: and may divine Grace accompany it!  N.B. Daniel Adams junior deliver’d me a Letter from his Father.  Mr. Peter Thatchers Wife, of Hopkinton dined here.  At Eve repeated some parts of the preceeding sermon.