October 17, 1738

1738 October 17 (Tuesday).  Mr. Stone and I rode up to Shrewsbury to Ministers Meeting.  See Association Records.  Mr. Aaron Whitney[1] offer’d himself voluntarily to Examination.  Mr. Tainter here at Eve with Lads who Husk’d more of my Corn but did not finish it.

[1](Harvard 1737), later the first minister of the First Congregational Society of Petersham, Mass., 1738-1777.  Sibley, X, 260-263.

October 27, 28, 1738

1738 October 27, 28 (Thursday, Friday).  I desire to take some serious Notice of the Longsuffering of God towards me and his Church in this place in continuing under the precious advantage of the Gospel these fourteen Years.  I see great Reason to humble myself for my unfaithfulness, Negligence and Unprofitableness and I would penitently repair to God in Christ for forgiveness.

November 15, 1738

1738 November 15 (Wednesday).  Sister Hicks[1] brought to bed of her 10th Child — my wife over there till 5 o’Clock this morning.  Mr. Aaron Forbush came to go up to Wachuset.  Ensign Maynard rode with us to Captain Eagers and Lieutenant Holloways but the Rain prevail’d so that we return’d back after dining with Lieutenant Holloways.  N.B. snow’d this morning.

[1]Mrs. John Hicks of Westborough, Parkman’s sister-in-law.