October 7, 1781

1781 October 7 (Sunday).  Have had so many avocations this week past, that I could not finish what I endeavoured to prepare for one part of this day.  I therefore was obliged to preach a.m. on Rom. 13.11 and p.m. on v. 12.  May God grant His special Blessing on my poor Efforts!  At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells fountain opened and prayed.

October 8, 1781

1781 October 8 (Monday).  Mr. Brigham goes to Bellingham, to look after a Debtor, Arnold, a Quaker.  At 2 p.m. Lydia and Sophy sat out for Concord.  I was Sent for by the Widow Brigham — I went — her Throat is much Sweld: prayed with her.  Dr. Ball and her Nephew Grout, attend on her.  When I came home, found Mr. Aaron Crosby of New Glasco here, going to Cape Ann; and he lodged here.

October 10, 1781

1781 October 10 (Wednesday).  Visited Patty Lamb in her Consumption, at Mr. Daniel Warrins.  P.M. My wife rode with me to Visit Several Neighbours, viz. Neighbour Nathan Maynard and Mr. Isaac Parker.  Drank tea etc. at the latter.  At Night came Rev. Daniel Fuller of Gloucester and his Wife, from Middleton in Connecticut, and lodged here.  Mr. Jonathan Batherick brought a Confession from Mr. Enoch Rice and Wife now living at Brookfield.

October 11, 1781

1781 October 11 (Thursday).  Mr. Fuller and his Wife left us to return home through Billerica.  Messrs. Benjamin Stone and Samuel Crosby came, dined here.  Mr. Stone informs me of Mr. Fairbanks public Marriage last week, in the Meeting House, Solemnized by Rev. Sumner.  I wrote to Rev. Appleton by Mr. Crosby, concerning Mr. Enoch Rice and his Wife, their penitance and Confession.  Capt. Morse brought me a large Cheese, which weighted 25 lb.  May God reward him for his Generosity!  and may I be enabled to make a good Use of this and of every other Bounty bestowed upon me!

October 18, 1781

1781 October 18 (Thursday).  Benjamin Harrington being returned from the Camp, Sick and low, I visited and prayed with him — visited at Fortunatus Millers, and at Mr. Eli Whitney’s.  P.M. Mrs. Sarah Harrington (Neighbour Calebs Wife) was here and was examined.  At night Mr. Brigham returned from Boston, brought a new Christall for my watch, 3/.  Informs me that Mr. Cranch’s 6th Volume of Biographical Dictionary (which I had been much concerned about) was at my son Samuels.

October 24, 1781

1781 October 24 (Wednesday).  I returned home.  In my way, called to take leave of Mrs. Gardner, and called at Mr. Micah Newtons at Marlborough.  I dined at Col. Blackneys, but the Colonel not at home.  Borrowed of his Mother the Alcoran and of his Sister Tomson’s Life and Seasons.  When I got home was informed that Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton was here yesterday, and that it was Supposed that a Council met then at Mr. Daniel Adams’s.  That Mr. Prentice of Holliston, Mr. Haven of Dedham and Mr. Brown of Sherbourn, were there.  My son Ebenezer was here also, having come yesterday under some very peculiar Difficulty, by reason of his being bound to divers Creditors for his son Bradshaw deceased: and was in danger of being sued.

October 25, 1781

1781 October 25 (Thursday).  I had Pity on my dear son in his Troubles, and gave him two Notes from the State, one of 10£, out last December, the other of 10£ 14, both upon Interest and Signed Henry Gardner Treasurer.  The last of them was out last March.  He left us to go to Brookfield.  P.M. Enoch Rice with Letter from Rev. Appleton, concerning his (Rice’s) Confession.  Neighbour Harrington and Pamela witness to Enochs owning his Letter.  Coll. Baldwin came from Boston and lodged here.

October 27, 1781

1781 October 27 (Saturday).  I have neither Man nor Boy, except Billy Spring who can fetch the Cows and cut a little Wood.  But the Trouble of my Eyes is I think, increased.  At Eve a Great Noise of the taking of General Cornwallis.  Dr. Hawes brought me a Letter of General Cornwallis Defeat, from Mr. Quincy, with an Hand-Bill certifying it, and his Army with him made prisoners of War.  The Glory of God if So!

October 28, 1781

1781 October 28 (Sunday).  Mr. Waters came in the morning and preached for me a.m. on Job 23.3.4, p.m. on Phil. 3 and 4.  May God bless what was delivered, and reward his Labour of Love!  I stopped the Church, and read Mr. Enoch Rice’s Request and read his and his Wife’s Confessions, which was voted, that they Should be read to the Assembly, though they be personally absent, viz. at Brookfield.  N.B. Rev. Appletons Letter to me, on the Same Affair, was read also.  A Letter likewise which I received last Evening from Mr. Daniel Adams, to be communicated to the Church was read.  He was present.  In it he desires to come to the Communion.  I asked him (before the Church) Whether, particularly he was in Charity and Sweetness with Me?  and could receive the Sacrament at my Hands?  He answered with some Difficulty, that “he must, he thought.”  I told the Church that as the Letter came so late, but the Eve before, I was not prepared to make Remarks which were necessary upon it, or ask some Questions for right understanding Some parts of it, it must be left to further Consideration — then I gave the Blessing. At Eve Mr. Waters repeated Some parts of the p.m. Sermon.

October 31, 1781

1781 October 31 (Wednesday).  I visited Susanna Hardy who is sick — dined there — and prayed with her.  Visited at Capt. Jonathan Fays — talked with the Heads of the Family and with Molly [Brown?] under her Circumstances and others of them.  Went to Mr. Joseph Grouts.  Called to talk with Mr. Ben Fay of his Contention with his Neighbour Thomas Whitney, and talked him also: With Lt. Jonathan Grout and with Mr. Jonathan ForbesWhitney says, if Fay will make him any Offer, if he will shew Bounds — he will do what is reasonable.

November 1, 1781

1781 November 1 (Thursday).  Mr. Forbes from Cape Ann brought Sister Champney, and dined with us.  He turned back p.m. to go home, though it rained.  She is to go to Upton, to her Cousin Warren’sJosiah Brigham came to lodge and Study here under his Brother Elijah.  Mrs. Harrington here and tells me the Substance of her Relation which I wrote for her.  My Sight has, for some time, been impaired.  Such is the Sovereign Will of God!  to which may I have Grace humbly to resign, and may I be enabled to improve what is still vouchsafed me better than ever heretofore!

November 4, 1781

1781 November 4 (Sunday).  I preached a.m. on Rom. 13.13, repeating with proper alterations to the End of p. 30.  Mr. Stone of Yarmouth was at Meeting.  He dined with us (as did Mrs. Maynard) and he preached for me p.m. on Rom. 8.26.  After the Exercise admitted Mrs. Harrington into the Church and propounded Enoch and Olive Rice’s Desire of Humiliation here with us, omitting the other affair (Adams’s) by reason of the weather and the present Circumstances.  At Eve Mr. Stone went to Shrewsbury.

November 6, 1781

1781 November 6 (Tuesday).  A more strict Training for shewing Arms etc.  N.B. It was to have been private meeting to day at Deacon Hawes but it could not be attended, by reason of the Training.  But towards Evening came Deacon Hawes, Messrs. Eli Whitney, and Joseph Harrington to ask me to procure Mr. Sanford of Medway to preach here.  And after them came Capt. Morse and Capt. Fisher upon the Same Errand.  I told them I did not know him, and must See and talk with him, before I could ask him.  Capt. Fisher wrought himself into an immoderate Heat.  May God forgive!

November 8, 1781

1781 November 8 (Thursday).  Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Cotton go to Hopkinton, and Mrs. Wood in her Chaise waits on sister Champney to the Widow Warrins in Upton.  Deacon Hawes brings his Brother Coll. Benjamin to See me.  He informs me that my Kinsman Parkman Bradshaw is dead.  Mr. Cushing to Shrewsbury.  N.B. He brought and left me Groves Vol. 1.  At night we had by the News Paper the joyful Account of the Surrender of Earl Cornwallis and his Army at York Town, the Shipping Virginia, on Oct. 18 — which causes great Joy and Thanksgiving to God, etc. etc.  But my Joy has Mixtures and Abatement — for when Mrs. Wood returned from Upton, she relates the unkind Reception she met with at the Widow Warrins: which was much to my Disquietment.