January 13, 1738

1738 January 13 (Friday).  Mr. Elias Havin,[1] on his journey to preach at Leicester here and lodged here.  N.B. Captain Fay here at Evening also, and Mr. Reuben Maynard.  It has been a Week of remarkably warm, pleasant Weather little freezing even o’nights.  N.B. I had visited Rebecca Ward, p.m. being called by Mr. Samuel Fay, junior.

[1]Elias Haven (Harvard 1733), schoolmaster at Hopkinton and later minister of Franklin, 1738-1754.  Sibley, IX, 304-309.

January 26, 1738

1738 January 26 (Thursday).  Mr. Increase Ward and his son had requested that we would keep this Day in humiliation and Prayer on account of the Frowns of Heaven upon them in their grievous Sickness and Bereavment.  Considering also that the Providence of God had been remarkable in the Late Mortality.  The Exercise was publickly mentiond in the Congregation the Sabbath past, but because of Mr. Ward’s and his Familys Circumstances we kept it at his House.  Mr. Prentice[1] came at our request and assisted in the Prayers.  I preached on John 2.2.  Repeating with some alterations and Additions, part of my sermon on 1 John 4.10.  Many were gathered together and the Family provided a decent refreshment afterwards.

[1]Reverend Solomon Prentice of Grafton.

January 31, 1738

1738 January 31 (Tuesday).  Very Cold windy day.  Dr. Gott and his wife and Mr. Timothy Harrington made us a Visit and din’d and spent the Afternoon among us, except what time divers of us were down at Ensign Maynards, where were a Meeting of Houssatunnoc Petitioners for the drawing their Lotts.  N.B. Colonel Woods there also.  Very Cold Evening but they all returnd to Marlborough.  January leaves us like itself, but the most of the month has been the moderatest that most can remember.

February 2, 1738

1738 February 2 (Thursday).  I cannot but remember the Wormwood and the Gall of the Funeral Day Two years agoe[1] and Desire my Soul may still be humbled with me.  But God has turned the mourning of the Day (Day Two years agoe) into rejoicing and my sorrow into Gladness.  But O that I may neither forget the Blessing enjoyed in my Dear Molly, nor the holy, Severity of the most high in So Sorely and grievously bereaving me of her!  [Illegible] Storm of Snow.  Clear’d Somewhat when it was towards Evening.

[1]The first Mrs. Parkman died Jan. 29, 1736.

February 9, 1738

1738 February 9 (Thursday).  We rode to Marlborough, our Kinsman in Company, he being accommodated with a Horse by Mr. Aaron Forbush.[1]  Mr. Bliss[2] preach’d to the Young Societys in that Town, from Ps. 119.9.  N.B. Confusion in the Singing by the young man’s reading the Longer meeter in Standish Tune, throughout the Singing.  After Service we went to Dr. Gotts, where we were refresh’d for we did not dine at Captain Williams’s where we call’d before meeting.  Divers of us Spent the Eve at the Colonel’s.  My Spouse and I lodg’d at Dr. Gotts, but my Kinsman with Mr. Bliss.

[1]Son of Deacon Thomas Forbush.

[2]Daniel Bliss (Yale 1732), later the minister at Concord, Mass., 1738-1764.  Dexter, pp. 439-440.

February 10, 1738

1738 February 10 (Friday).  Settled all accompts with Colonel Woods,[1] unto this Day.  Visited Mr. David Goodenow of Westborough under Lameness and Confinement at Marlborough.  Din’d at the Doctors and then rode up home.  Snow’d while we were upon the way.  Town Meeting at Westborough.  N.B. I gave Mr. James Miller a request to be admitted into No. 3 of the Houssatunnocs.  Ensign Maynard brought up divers Things from Boston for me.  N.B. Oysters, Salt Fish, etc.

[1]Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.

February 13, 1738

1738 February 13 (Monday).  Mr. Tainter came and kill’d our Hog.  Weigh’d about 12 score.  N.B. Mr. Tainters Cousen Kendal[1] of Suffield here.  They din’d with us.  N.B. I wrote to Mr. Timothy Woodbridge[2] junior of Simsbury by Mr. Kendall.  Brother Hicks just at night pinch’d up the Barn Floor, and cutt up and Salted my Pork at Evening.  Potter’s Antiquities.

[1]Susanna, daughter of Deacon Simon Tainter, married Thomas Kendall of Suffield, Conn.

[2](Yale 1732), tutor at Yale College at this time and later minister in Hatfield, Mass., 1740-1770.  Dexter, p. 469.