July 18, 1728

1728 July 18 (Thursday).  Mr. Sewall preach’d Excellently from Ps. 119.115.  Occasion, Phillips and Woodbridge Duel.[1]  At Mr. Wilsteeds in the Eve.  Here was Mr. Joseph Green[2] of Barnstable.  The Governours[3] coming in Everyones motions.  His Excellency’s Family came to Dr. Cooks this Eve.

[1]Henry Phillips (Harvard 1724) killed Benjamin Woodbridge in a duel on Boston Common, July 3, 1728 and escaped to France.  The affair caused much excitement and produced several sermons in Boston and elsewhere.  Sibley, VII, 424-429.  See Samuel G. Drake, The History and Antiquities of Boston (Boston, 1854), pp. 579-580

[2]Reverend Joseph Green, minister of Barnstable, 1725-1770.

[3]Governor William Burnett.

July 19, 1728

1728 July 19 (Friday).  A very great Day.  His Excellency’s Entrance into Boston was truly very Stately and Splendid.  I was at Mr. Eliots.[1]  I din’d at Holmes’s.[2]  Sister Lydia rode with me to Cambridge.  Earthquake at Newbury, etc.

[1]Jacob Eliot of Boston, later first minister of Lebanon, Connecticut.

[2]Ebenezer Holmes (Harvard 1724), a merchant of Boston.  Sibley, VII, 368-371.

July 30, 1728

1728 July 30 (Tuesday).  Having got in my Hay, Rice, Barley, and Wheat, I dismiss’d Thomas Kendal for a while.  Now we are intirely alone having no Servant nor any one in the House.  Our Loneliness gives Scope for Thought.  God Sanctifie our solitude, and help us to improve in acquaintance with Himself.  There was much Lighting in the North almost the whole Evening.

August 7, 1728

1728 August 7 (Wednesday).  I went to See Mr. Miles’s[1] Library.  His widow show’d me her house and Garden.

[1]Reverend Samuel Myles (Harvard 1684), Rector of King’s Chapel, Boston, 1680- 1728.  The library in question was sent over by the Bishop of London.  Sibley suggests that it was “perhaps the best theological library in the country.”  The remnants of this library were deposited in the Boston Athenaeum in 1823.  Sibley, III, 287-293.

August 8, 1728

1728 August 8 (Thursday).  I entered into Obligation to my Father for the Negro Barrow.  My Father gave me 5£.  I pay’d him 3£ and gave a promissory Bill to pay 66£, the whole making 74£ which was the price of him.


Mr. Cooper[1] Lectur’d on Job 37.16.  I din’d at Mr. Coopers, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Byles[2] also.

[1]Reverend William Cooper (Harvard 1712) of the Brattle Street Church Sibley, V, 624-634.

[2]Reverend Mather Byles of Hollis Street Church, Boston.

August 14, 1728

1728 August 14 (Wednesday).  About 2 in the morning the Thunder and Lightning were very Sharp and terrifying.  Neither was it a Crack or Flash or Two, but it continued for (I Suppose) an hour and half exceeding dreadfull.  Once it was So hard Thunder that the house Jarr’d in some sort as in an Earthquake.


Mr. Rice was here, and Goddard[1] from College.  The latter Said the people of Framingham entertain’d disaffections to Mr. Swift.  My heart is mov’d greatly; and I think merely for the Cause of God in these melancholly and divided Times.

[1]David Goddard (Harvard 1731) of Watertown and later the second minister of Leicester.  Sibley, IX, 40-43.

August 15, 16, 17, 1728

1728 August 15, 16, 17 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday).  The Remaining Dayes of the Week I abode more strictly by my Preparations for the Sabbath.  Late on Saturday Night I was Sent for by Lieutenant Forbes to his wife who departed this Life (a little before 12 o’clock) before I could get to the house.  A very meek, patient, Godly person, under the sufferings She bore through most of her Life, by Sickness and weakness.

August 19, 1728

1728 August 19 (Monday).  Mrs. Forbes was buried.  A Large funerall; many people from Marlborough being up here.  Mr. Foxcroft[1] of Boston, Esquire Pool[2] of Reading and Lieutenant How of Framingham came to our house and lodged with us.

[1]Reverend Thomas Foxcroft.

[2]Benjamin Poole, selectman of Reading.  Tilley Eaton, Genealogical History of the Town of Reading (Boston, 1874), pp. 108, 282, 283.

August 25, 1728

1728  August 25 (Sunday).  I preach’d a.m. on Ps. 119.68, and administered the Sacrament.  I preach’d p.m. on 1 Cor. 10.16.  I have no slender Reason to lament my insensibility, indolence and utter unfruitfullness under all Gods Goodness to me; and it is nothing else but the infinite Mercy of God to poor sinners, his infinite Patience and Compassion towards us under our manifest infirmities that has brought me to the Sacrament for my Conduct is Such that my unprofitableness and indifference might utterly debar me and leave me discouraged.

August 28, 29, 30, 31, 1728

1728 August 28, 29, 30, 31 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).  Much Concern in the minds of all people throughout the Province on the account of the Difficulties at Court about settling the Governours Sallery.  And no prospect of its being any better between the Governour and the Lower House.  Indeed the Governour has always been fair and pleasant and is not willing to make Complaint against the Province.  But his Instructions from his Majesty oblige him to move in this Manner and the House think they loose all Priviledges if they comply.  Its a difficult Time respecting our Credit in England, but the Heavens do rule.  God gives us Wisdom and turneth the Heart of the King which way Soever He will.