August 14, 1727

1727 August 14 (Monday).  I accompanied Mr. Weld as far as into the Mendon Road (beyond Mr. Eams of Hopkinton) he being determined to go to Mr. Dorrs.[1]  I was at Mr. Jonathan Forbes’ where there were not a few Sick.  Mrs. Forbes was not Recovered.  Three of their Daughters had a strong fever and Rebecca Paterson [Paddison?] lay very ill.

[1]Reverend Joseph Dorr of Mendon.

August 20, 1727

1727 August 20 (Sunday).  I rode for Mrs. Byles and sent for other neighbouring women.  My wife had many pains, But I Saw Liberty to go to Meeting at the proper hour.  I delivered the morning Sermon upon 1 Chron. 28.9.  In the Afternoon I preach’d upon Rom. 11.36 wherein I had occasion to Mention the Kings Death, and to give fair hints at the Circumstances of my Family.  When I came home at Even my wife was Still full of pains but no immediate apprehension that she should be delivered.  But, a little more than half an hour after sunset (having been no long time in Extremity) She was Delivered, and the will of God was to favour me in a very high Degree.  God gave Me a Son, which I have set up for my Ebenezer, for hitherto the Lord hath Helped Me.  We have indeed a great deal of Reason to praise and magnifie the name of our gracious God who So Signally and mercifully appears for us, and lays us under ten thousand the strongest obligations to him.  O that I may never forget his Benefits!  But O that I may both Live and Speak Gods praises!  Were comfortably carry’d through the night.  Blessed be God!

August 21, 1727

1727 August 21 (Monday).  I went down to Mr. Thomas Forbes[1] and was intending to marry his Daughter[2] to Mr. Cornelius Cook,[3] but they could produce me No legal certificate But I discoursed to them of their unhappy Circumstances and their Sin and urg’d to serious unfeigned Repentance.  Mr. Cook I advis’d to go and get another Certificate, while I tarried there.  He went away but a storm coming up and night hastening on, and my people at home extreamly prone to be very much Scar’d, I left them and walked home, leaving word that Mr. Cook should bring home my Horse, which He did.  It was a very Awfull and terrible night and we had very little Rest (the Thunder and Lightening were So sharp) till near Day break.

[1]Thomas Forbush did not change his name to Forbes as did his brother Jonathan.  Parkman was confused at this point.

[2]Eunice Forbush.

[3]Also of Westborough.

August 22, 1727

1727 August 22 (Tuesday).  I again rode to Mr. Forbes’ and married Cornelius Cook and Eunice Forbush (so they will Spell their Name).  I hasted home, a storm arising as it did last night.  I went to Mr. John Maynards and brought up his wife to watch with mine.  It was a very terrible storm and far louder Thunder than the night before, but lasted not so long.  By nine o’Clock it abated.

August 26, 1727

1727 August 26 (Saturday).  If on Saturdayes in Generall I am professedly more employ’d than on any other Dayes I am Surely to be thought to be more on this, and I Endeavoured to possess my Thoughts in all Seriousness, of the Weighty and solemn Transaction of Dedicating my Son to God, and I would in the Fear of God Undertake this Sacred Business.

August 27, 1727

1727 August 27 (Sunday).  I Sincerely comitted the great Article of offering my Son unto God and implor’d the divine direction and assistance, with Confession of my Sins and Thankfull acknowledgements of all especially his Signal Mercies.  I then proceeded to the Exercises of the Day, and preach’d in the Morning on Mat., as I did in the afternoon likewise on the Same.  And then (I hope in the integrity of my Heart and with Souls Desire of the Glory of God and the invaluable Spirituall Blesings of the Covenant) I baptiz’d My Son Ebenezer and put him into the Arms of the Saviour that He might Bless Him according to the gracious Encouragement given to His People.  And I hope I found Favours with the Lord.  Mr. Joseph Wheeler presented His Son Aaron[1] at the Same time.  The Lord has done great things for me for which I was filled with Joy and Gladness.  O that Gods Grace may be given me that I may alwayes walk in a suitable manner Before Him.  At this Season I improv’d the Opportunity [to] renew the Dedication of my Self and My Daughter Mary and all mine unto our glorious God in the Covenant of Grace.

[1]Born July 7, 1727.

August 28, 1727

1727 August 28 (Monday).  I Catechiz’d the Children and I happen’d to appoint the Same hour and Place that the Town meeting was warn’d, but I was earlier than they and they waited till our Exercise was finished.  Diverse persons were at my house in the Evening.  I heard Yesterday and again today that my sister Tyley[1] was very ill after Delivered in childbearing.

[1]Parkman’s sister Elizabeth, who married John Tyley of Boston.  She died August 30, 1727.

October 29, 1727

1727 October 29 (Sunday).  After 10 o’Clock at night the Sky clear, the air cold, there was a very terrible Earthquake which lasted Shaking Extreamly about a minute and half, — a trembling continued for a Considerable time Longer.  And within 65 minutes 5 More Rumblings and quiverings might be perceiv’d, Especially the last of those 5.  But yet this was not Like the First of all.  In about 18 minutes more a Seventh, and near Two o’Clock an 8th, and between 5 and 6 in the morning (perhaps 35 minutes after 5) there was a Ninth.  The First of all these, if not all the rest were heard (am ready to think) all over New England.

November 5, 1727

1727 November 5 (Sunday).  A Warm Southerly Wind, a very Thick, Smoaky air till night.  In the Evening it So cleared away as to be bright Starlight.  But it was while I was observing the weather that I Saw a Flash of Lightning.  I was not able to discern any Clouds, Yet I am prone to think there was a thick Cloud low in the West.  For it Could not be half an hour (I believe, if it was more than a Quarter) before it rain’d, and all of a Sudden beat down in Such mighty Showers that it Startled us very much.  However it lasted not long.  After a few Such violent Showers it almost Ceased.

January 1, 1728

1728 January 1 (Monday).  A moderate pleasant day, My heart was filled with Joy before God for his wondrous Sparing Mercy in bringing Me to the Light of this Day beginning another Year which truly, considering the Deserts of Sin and the late threatenings of Providence, it was almost beyond my Expectations to See.  Oh that it might please God, through his abundant Mercy in Christ to remove away those Sins of mine and those of his people of this Land that brought down Tokens of Displeasure in Such distressing and fearfull Dispensations as those of the Last Year, lest if his anger be not turned away his hand Should be stretched out still this Year also, and our plagues be made wonderfull, if we be not brought to utter Desolation.


As to the Earthquake, being down at Mr. David Maynards in the Evening (requested to visit his 5 Sick children and pray with them) Mr. Daniel Maynard of Marlborough enquir’d whether any of us had heard it, intimating herewith to us that Some persons were afraid they had, and afraid that it had been heard Every Sabbath night Since the great shocks.  When I came home I understood by Noah Rice[1] and Daniell Hardy that Mr. James Miller and Nathaniel Whitney[2] each of them were so apprehensive that they heard it in the night before last that they both got up.  The Divine Compassion that Safeguards and Delivers us!  O that God would still deliver us.  I was not without Some hearty, though I confess too weak and lame Endeavours after, as the pardon of the Miscarriages and offences of the Last year (particularly of March 17th which Oh that it may be blotted out of the book of Gods remembrance) to Such a Settled pious Disposition that this Year may be Spent wholly to the Glory of God, in a walk that may please him, and in Essayes to promote his Church’s interest to the last of my Capacity.

[1]Son of Thomas Rice, one of the original settlers of Westborough.

[2]All of these were young men of Westborough.

January 2, 1728

1728 January 2 (Tuesday).  I rode to Mr. Hezekiah How’s.  I went with him to Examine some of the Bounds of the ministerial Lot, that I might make some Improvement of it.

In the Evening Mrs. Mary Whiting[1] was with me requesting I would Examine her in order to her joining with our Church.  I hope the work of grace is at least begun in her Heart.

[1]No record of a family of this name in Westborough at this time.

January 3, 1728

1728 January 3 (Wednesday).  Reading Mr. Foxcrofts Sermon on the Earthquake (preach’d by him before the Court).[1]  I was mov’d I hope rather with justifiable emulation and ambition than Envy.  But verily I was much Excited most of the Day to reflect on the progress and advancement he and Some few other persons of distinguish’d Characters had gain’d in both Piety and Learning.  I could but draw up a Resolution that though my powers are small yet according to my Measures I would by the Grace of Christ, lead a Religious, Serviceable and contented Life, with Diligence and industry laying in what Store of Knowledge, and especially Striving after as many Divine Virtues to adorn and accomplish me, as I may be able.


Lieutenant Forbush[2] came to me in the Evening who among other things, Speaking of Samuell Hardy’s Case[3] Express’d himself so as Convinced me I should meet with some Trouble in managing it.

[1]Thomas Foxcroft, The Voice of the Lord, from the Deep Places of the Earth (Boston, 1727).

[2]Samuel Forbush of Westborough.

[3]The Westborough Church Records, Feb. 11, 1728 contain the following details. “Another Affair was also brought before the Church at this meeting.  The Pastor took their Advice in what would be most warrantable and Regular to be done in the Case of Samuel Hardy and his wife who desir’d baptism for their Child born Three Dayes within Seven Months after the parents’ Marriage.  No opposition was made to proceeding to grant the Privilege, the Circumstances of the fright it was declar’d the mother was in, occasioning as was believed the hasty birth, together with their Serious Declaration that they were innocent, being all the Satisfaction the Church could have in a Case of this Nature.”  Parson Parkman may not have been convinced that this was the right decision.  At any rate he brought this matter before the Marlborough Association where the advice given was that the child “be baptized.”  Allen, Worcester Association, p. 12.  Finally, on April 28, 1728, the Reverend Mr. Parkman baptized Elizabeth, the daughter of Daniel and Tabitha Hardy.

January 4, 1728

1728 January 4 (Thursday).  Private Meeting at Mr. Pratts.  I sent Dr. Increase Mathers Kingdom of Christ is approaching,[1] etc., by Mr. Thurston.  Deacon Fay[2] and Mr. Abner Newton[3] and others came to see me in the Evening.  Very cold.  Mr. How brought me Store Geese.

[1]Mather did not publish a work with this title.  Possibly Parkman was referring to The Glorious Throne: or A Sermon Concerning The Glory of the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ Which is now in Heaven, and shall quickly be seen on the Earth (Boston, 1702).  [Addition to Walett’s footnote: Increase Mather, A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer, and the glorious kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, on earth, now approaching. Delivered in several sermons, in which the signs of the present times are considered, with a true account of the late wonderful and astonishing success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar (Boston in N.E. Printed by B. Green for T. Green, at his shop in Middle Street., 1710).  Evans 1473.]

[2]Captain John Fay was one of the first deacons chosen by the Westborough church Oct. 12, 1727.  The other was Isaac Tomblin.

[3]The son of Thomas Newton.

January 6, 1728

1728 January 6 (Saturday).  The First of my Discourses on Ps. 60.1.2 took me up (though began in no improper Season of the week) till 3 p.m. of this Day When I began the first of those Discourses on 1 Cor., and it was prepar’d before it was over late in the night.  I Suppose it not much after Eleven when I was actually in my bed.  It must be remembered that my Choice was determined upon the Subject though I had no so much as laid my Scheme before the hour abovesaid.