June 1, 1781

1781 June 1 (Friday).  I rode up to Reuben Maynards to See his Wife who is very low — trouble in her Mind about her Guilt (which She confesses) impresses her Body, most probably.  Prayed with her.  I bore the Ride with Difficulty.  Called to See the Widow Smith, who is still very low.  Her Brother, Deacon Samuel Miles lies dead.  Mr. Brigham from Hardwick.  Mr. Cushing from Shrewsbury.  At Eve came Old Mr. Batheric and Mr. Samuel Forbush.  Mr. Daniel Adams also came.  They want the Church Should meet to Consider of Adams’s Difficultys, but have prepared nothing, upon which I may proceed.  I was very feeble and they kept me too late.

June 2, 1781

1781 June 2 (Saturday).  Had but a poor night, and am not able to discharge the Dutys called for.  Elias goes over to Hopkinton, to wait on Mrs. Cotton here.  Mr. Cushing waited on me to the Funeral of Mr. Stone.  I had Such a Cough I could not Speak in the Assembly.  Dr. Hall prayed there, made a brief funeral Address and Exhortation to the people which was followed with a Short Prayer by Mr. Bridge.  (The Corps having been plac’d before the Deacons Seat in the Meeting House, was then solemnly born to the Grave.)  I assisted only as a Bearer, and with a few words at Interring.  The other Bearers were, Dr. Hall, Mr. Bridge, Mr. Sumner, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Biglow.  Under-Bearers were 4 Brethren of the Church; and the Rest of the Church walked before the Corps.

June 3, 1781

1781 June 3 (Sunday).  Mr. Cushing preaches a.m. on Tit. 3.8, p.m. on Luk. 14.17.  N.B.  On consideration of Mr. Stones Death I read a.m. Ps. 39.  Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Cotton dined here.  At Eve Mr. Cushing repeated the Heads of his afternoon Sermon.  N.B. Nathan Kenny, Simon Forbes and Susanna Forbes, were admitted into the Church.  I got through as well as I could expect.  Thanks to God for His great Goodness!

June 4, 1781

1781 June 4 (Monday).  Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Cotton leave us for Ashburnham.  I rode to Mr. Peter Thatchers at his request and dined there with his Father, who p.m. preached a Lecture there on Ps. 119.63.  Exceeding long, but very acceptable — may the Lord graciously add His Blessing!  I grew faint, but got home, though poorly.  Here I found Sister Champney and Mr. Zechariah Hicks from Sutton.  They lodge here.

June 6, 1781

1781 June 6 (Wednesday).  I sent by Col. Wheelock Some Account of Mr. Stone, to the Care of Mr. SummerJohn Moulton was so ill yesterday that he is again gone to his Fathers.  P.M. Mr. Hicks returns from Cambridge having left his Aunt Champney at Mr. Thomas Barretts.  Hear that Miss Mindwell Brigham is sick.  MemorandumMatthew Beld[ing?] of Fairfield distressed and poor was here with an humble Petition, for Relief Signed by four Select Men and Two Justices of the Peace.  Says he has a Brother John Belding Captain of a Company from Boston, now at Rhode Island.

June 13, 1781

1781 June 13 (Wednesday).  I expected Mr. Grosvenor to preach my Lecture but he came not.  I preached my self, on Joh. 15.9, finishing the Discourse on Jude v. 21.  N.B. When I was about to go to Meeting at 2 o’Clock, my Wife handed me a Letter — but the Messenger did not appear.  I could not have Time to see who it came from, nor one word of what it was about.  So that I only told the Church that such an one was brought, but that Every body must know that it is out of season: and no more must be hereafter offered in Such disorderly Manner.  After Meeting Squire Crosby, Deacon Wood and old Mr. Batheric were here.  A Letter from Northampton, to Elias, Signed by Messrs. Joseph Hawley, and [blank] Strong, inviting him to go and keep a Grammar School there.

June 14, 1781

1781 June 14 (Thursday).  A Notable Raising of Squire Bakers great Barn of 110 feet long.  I was invited and as our Lord and Saviour did not refuse when asked to an Entertainment so I complyed — went, dined and supp’d there.  No Evil Occurrence, nor signs of Intemperance among them.  Mr. Brigham returned last Night from Boston — tells me that my son Samuel has carried to Dr. Mather his 4th Volume of Cotton of the Keys etc.

June 17, 1781

1781 June 17 (Sunday).  There being so many Exercises before me to day, I did not read publicly.  I preached on 1 Cor. 11.27.29.  Administered the Lords Supper.  Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Nanny Thacher (wife of Mr. Peter Thacher junior) dined here.  P.M. Eph. 4.1.  At Eve came Mr. Sumner from Southborough (having preached there on 2 K. 2.14) and was in his way home.

June 18, 1781

1781 June 18 (Monday).  Visited at Mr. Lamson’s, he being Sick, and at Mr. Jonathan Forbes their youngest Child very ill.  Prayed; and dined there.  Mr. John Forbes of Otter Creek dined there also.  Deacon Wood in Mourning for the Loss of his eldest Brother John, I went into See him but he was gone to Hopkinton to See his Brother Joseph who is Still in an ill state.

June 19, 1781

1781 June 19 (Tuesday).  Attend the Association at Northborough.  We were all present, namely, 5 only, and Mr. Reuben Puffer (who last Lords day gave his determinate Answer to South-Bolton to Accept) was among us also.  N.B. Now first met in Mr. Whitneys New House.  In returning home, I called at Capt. Maynards.  Mrs. P_____ tells me that Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor and his Lady — a son also, dined here, in their way to Pomfret.

June 24, 1781

1781 June 24 (Sunday).  Preached at Southborough on Isa. 57.1.2.  May God succeed!  N.B. Mrs. Stone has found a paper of her Husbands concerning his Spiritual State, which I read to the Assembly.  Also another little paper of the manner of improving his Time.  At Eve Mr. Thomas Stone reads his Fathers late sermon against Mr. Jonathan Nelson.

June 27, 1781

1781 June 27 (Wednesday).  Elias would have gone upon his Journey to Northampton, but it was too wet weather.  P.M. Capt. Fisher came and after general Discourse of the News, and particularly of the Troubles of the British Factorys in the East Indies by Heideralli Kan with a great Army against Ascot, and other places on Coromandet Coast; and was going after, he broached his Exceptions against my late Sacrament Sermons on the Guilt of unworthy Receiving the Lords Supper: wherein I asserted that in Several Respects our Guilt was more heinous than that of the Jews that crucifyed our Lord.  He could not See through it — But went away modestly and in Civility.  There was not time to Say much.

June 28, 1781

1781 June 28 (Thursday).  Polly Scott being Sick at Mr. Gales of nervous Cholic, I made her a Visit, and prayed with her.  N.B. In riding there, overtook one Mrs. Coburn (Widow of Col. Andrew Coburn) who was the owner of my Son Alexanders Land at Marlborough in New Hampshire, and designed to go to his House.  Elias is hindred by the weather from undertaking his Journey.  At Eve came in a Woman who called her self Watts, and Said Mr. Cookson of Boston was her Grandfather etc.  Breck returned from Boston, brings me a Letter from Mr. Quincy.  N.B. I am informed that the famous Lady Electa has passed across our Road to day, and the Company Stopped at the Shop.  They proceeded to Capt. Maynards.

June 30, 1781

1781 June 30 (Saturday).  Col. Ward came and acquainted me with the Appointment of a Fast to be there next Thursday come sennight.  Dr. Hall calls here in his way to Southborough.  Mr. Scott came in and tells me his sick Daughter at Mr. Gale’s, is better.  Very heavy Artilary is upon the Road, transporting on the Road, among which there is a Mortar of [blank] Weight — and a Number of large Cannon.  A Court held at Deacon Woods was continued.